
Coffee shop inventory web app built using: Ruby, SQL, Sinatra, HTML, CSS // (CodeClan project, week 5)

Primary LanguageRuby

Coffee Inventory Web App

How To Run The Code

This app requires a database called 'coffee' on localhost.

  1. Run the coffee.sql file to setup tables.
  2. Run seeds.rb and blurb_seeds.rb to populate the db with seed data.
  3. Run coffee_controller.rb to run local server.
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:4567/ to view app.

Building The App

Ruby was my first programming language and introduced me to the principles of Object Oriented Programming and Test Driven Development. This project allowed me to consolidate my learning by building a web app from scratch. I really enjoyed deepening my understanding of the Model-View-Controller model, getting to grips with the Sinatra framework and implementing RESTful routing. It also taught me (through trial and error) to better manage my time and planning with tools like Pomodoro, Trello, Kanban and wireframe diagramming. Since it was only touched upon during the first module, I decided to push myself to improve my CSS skills, with particular focus on using Grid (which I felt would suit my goal for the app).

I hope you enjoy my work and I welcome your feedback.