The demo's screenshot of the latest version
- Open the latest IDE for reflex==0.2.0
- open the file to find every release.
For Beginner: Let every Python beginner can start to make their own AI+IoT web app without skill limitations. This is released by milochend0418 (It's is not an official tool from Pynecone)
Howto: Make colab file as a simple IDE for browser's user to develop pynecone app.
Short Video
Long Video (TODO)
Cool thing
- That's cool to use the free storage from Microsoft - GitHub
- That's cool to Use the free computing resource from Google - Colab
- Every student in the classroom can use it without any limitation
- Everyone can develope in shared computer
- Support all version of pc, so developer can save time to quickly check what is the first bad version.
- Old or weak computer can use it from browser.
- Don't need to learn how to setup environment.
- You can use colab idea and put your demo together, It's good for you to share your fancy demo.
- Student can rorever run their demo online with their mobile in slow mode but totally free.
Put The .py file of downloaded colab in this folders. It will save the files for each version of pynecone.
Start to support reflex 0.2.0 (renamed from pynecone) at July 7
- Tunnel: ngrok
- Terminal: colab-xterm
- Stable Examples: milochen0418/py-webapp (Streamlined from pynecone-io/examples)