
A Python version of online typing test 10 Fast Fingers.

Primary LanguagePython

10 Fast Fingers Typing Tutor

I want to recreate the 10 Fast Fingers tutor in Python. I want a line of text to appear on the terminal that I will need to type. 10 Fast Fingers teaches typing through using a subset of only the 300 most common English words.

As you complete a word, if the word is correct, the word turns green. If it is incorrect, the word turns red. At the end of all of the lines, it tells you what your WPM and accuracy is.

Future Improvements:

  • Turn the background of the whole word you're trying to type red as you make an error, and rectify that as it is corrected. Leave it red if you go to the next word and it has not been corrected.
  • tkinter GUI?
