
Plan and manage daily tasks in the command line.

Primary LanguagePython


Plan and manage daily tasks. Deliberately simple so I can stay focused on what I need to do.

  • Saves tasks in an easy to read plaintext file in the root folder called ~/.tod
  • Maintains multiple lists for using with different projects
  • Includes built in timer for timeboxing/focused work time


Run python3 tod.py.

Tasks on screen are shown like so:

0. Make the bed
1. Complete development project (1:00) Remember to ping Keith on...
2. Get to inbox zero (0:30) http://www.example.com

On the left is the task number, followed by the task name, the time spent on that task so far, if any, and lastly any note you left regarding that task. Time spent can be changed manually or can be changed automatically through use of the timer. A green task represents a completed task.


You can use the -p flag to enable Pomodoro mode, which will automatically run a 5-minute break timer once you have completed your session.


Key Description
[n] Start focus time and timer for task n
aa (A)dd multiple new tasks to end of list
al (A)dd a new (L)ist and select it
a[n] (A)dd task at index n and notes separated by two colons
b[n] (B)reak down a task into smaller tasks and add time spent to selected task
c[n] Toggle (C)ompletion of task n
d[n] (D)elete task n
dd (D)elete all tasks
dl (D)elete (L)ist
e[n] (E)dit task n
h Print the (H)elp menu
l Select another (L)ist
m[n] (M)ove task n
m[n]:[x] (M)ove task n to position x
ml[n] (M)ove task n to a different list
n Toggle full (N)otes when printing tasks
q (Q)uit
r (R)educe/remove the completed tasks from the list
s (S)tart a new set of daily tasks
t Start a new (T)imer


In editing of the task name and notes, you can keep the original name by preceding your input with a double colon. You can also keep the original notes by ending your input with double colon.


The default Tod file path is ~/.tod. This can be customized in an .env file in the root directory of the program:



To reduce the friction of using this every day, I made an alias in my terminal so I can just write tod to bring up the program:

alias tod="python '/Users/your-username/tod_directory/tod.py'"

Take the above code and copy it into your ~/.bashrc file. After completing this, run source ~/.bashrc for the new changes to be active.


  • Ensure tests are up-to-date with all functionality
  • Make tests work with standard python3 -m unittest call
  • Add ability to edit the name of a list
  • Add ability to move a task from one list to another
  • Make input handling better. Reject unacceptable characters