Node Express MySQL-MVC-setup

Set up MVC using Node, Express, MySQL and JWT.

Using Technology

  • Express JS
  • MySQL
  • JWT+Cookie+bcryptJS(Auth)

How to contribute

  • Put this comment on file where you will work
 * @design by your_git_username

How to use

  • Use following commad to clone the repo.
    $ git clone .
    $ git checkout -b features_a
    $ npm install
    $ create .env file (use .env.sample for reference)
    $ npm run dev (run by nodemon port 2727)
    $ npm start (run by node port 2727)

Folder Structure

  • routers
    • all routers will go there
    • (auth,data,db)
  • controllers
    • all controller will go there
    • (auth,data,db)
  • models
    • Model.js
    • DataModel.js extends Model.js
    • AuthModel.js extends Model.js
    • DbModel.js extends Model.js
    • Response.js (response format)
  • utils
    • Define.js (all constant value)
    • DB_Define.js (all DB constant value)
    • Helper.js (all helper functions)
  • index.js
  • package.json
  • .env

Developed By milon27