- setup a typescript project
npm init -y pnpm i -D typescript ts-node @types/node nodemon npx tsc --init # then copy paste tsconfig from here: https://github.com/milon27/nestpress/blob/master/tsconfig.json
- install drizzle orm and drizzle kit
pnpm i drizzle-orm mysql2 dotenv pnpm i -D drizzle-kit
- setup folder structure
- src
- db
- db.ts
- schema
- user.schema.ts
- app.ts
- db
- src
- Create a simple user schema [id(AI),name,email,password,role,createdAt]
- db.ts create connection with db
- migration with drizzle-kit
- create config file for drizzle [from doc]
- generate a migration npm script
drizzle-kit generate:mysql
- apply migration to our database
- create a migrator file
- create npm script to run deploy migration
- insert a user and query that user
- update drizzle orm
- install dotenv (create config folder, use db.ts , migrator.ts file)
- schemas/tables we will have
users, blogs, category , contact details
table contain user detailsrole
- 1 user will have 1 role (1-1) e.g. user is an admin or customer
table contain blog- each
will have a author,1user
will have manyblog
- each
- 1 category can have many blog,1 blog can have many category
- 1 category can have many blog,1 blog can have many category
- define user, role
- define blog
- define category, blog2category
- *define the types also
- *define the relations
- import all schema in db.ts with logger