
iOS Client SDK to integrate with Harness FF service

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ff-ios-client-sdk overview

SwiftPM compatible CocoaPods compatible Carthage compatible

Harness is a feature management platform that helps teams to build better software and to test features quicker.  

Installing the ff-ios-client-sdk

Installing ff-ios-client-sdk is possible with Swift Package Manager (SPM), CocoaPods and Carthage


Swift Package Manager (SPM)

The Swift Package Manager is a dependency manager integrated into the swift compiler and Xcode.

To integrate ff-ios-client-sdk into an Xcode project, go to the project editor, and select Swift Packages. From here hit the + button and follow the prompts using https://github.com/harness/ff-ios-client-sdk.git as the URL.

To include ff-ios-client-sdk in a Swift package, simply add it to the dependencies section of your Package.swift file. And add the product ff-ios-client-sdk as a dependency for your targets.

dependencies: [
	.package(url: "https://github.com/harness/ff-ios-client-sdk.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.0.2"))



The CocoaPods CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. It has over 81 thousand libraries and is used in over 3 million apps. CocoaPods can help you scale your projects elegantly.

CocoaPods is built with Ruby and it will be installable with the default Ruby available on macOS. You can use a Ruby Version manager, however we recommend that you use the standard Ruby available on macOS unless you know what you're doing.

Using the default Ruby install will require you to use sudo when installing gems. (This is only an issue for the duration of the gem installation, though.)

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Once cocoapods are installed, from your root project folder, create a Podfile, which will be located in your project's root folder, by entering the next command in your terminal:

$ pod init

To import ff-ios-client-sdk to your .xcproject, simply add ff-ios-client-sdk to your newly created Podfile and save the Podfile changes.

platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'ff-ios-client-sdk'

Only thing left to do is to install your packages by running the next command.

$ pod install

NOTE: A new .xcworkspace will be created and you should use that, instead of your .xcodeproj from now on in order to utilize the imported Pods.


Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application. Carthage builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks, but you retain full control over your project structure and setup. Carthage does not automatically modify your project files or your build settings. In order to integrate ff-ios-client-sdk into your app, there are a few steps to follow. Navigate to the root folder of your project and create a Cartfile. This is the file where you would input all of your dependencies that you plan to use with Carthage. You can create it by entering

$ touch Cartfile

in Terminal at your project's root folder. Once you open the Cartfile, you can copy/paste below line and save the changes.

github "

Now, you need to run

$ carthage update --no-build

This command will fetch the source for ff-ios-client-sdk from the repository specified in the Cartfile.

You will now have a new folder, named Carthage at the same location your Cartfile and your .xcodeproj are. Within the Carthage folder, you will see another Checkout folder where the source code is located. Next, we need to create a project for ff-ios-client-sdk dependency. We can do this easily by entering the following in the termial.

//From your project's root folder
$ cd Carthage/Checkouts/ff-ios-client-sdk

followed by

$ swift package generate-xcodeproj

...or, you can enter it all on the same line.

//From your project's root folder
$ cd Carthage/Checkouts/ff-ios-client-sdk && swift package generate-xcodeproj

Go back into your project's root folder and enter the next command:

$ carthage build --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS

This command will build the project and place it in the Build folder next to Checkouts. On your application targets’ General settings tab, in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section, drag and drop the .xcframework file from the Carthage/Build folder. In the "Embed" section, select "Embed & Sign".

Only thing left to do is:

import ff_ios_client_sdk

...wherever you need to use ff-ios-client-sdk

When a new version of ff-ios-client-sdk is available and you wish to update this dependency, run

$ carthage update --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS

And your embedded library will be updated.


Using the ff-ios-client-sdk

In order to use ff-ios-client-sdk in your application, there are a few steps that you would need to take.


  1. Setup your configuration by calling CfConfiguration's static method builder() and pass-in your prefered configuration settings through possible chaining methods. The chaining needs to be ended with build() method. (See the build()'s description for possible chaining methods and their default values.)

  2. Setup your target by calling CfTarget's static method builder() and pass-in your prefered target settings through possible chaining methods. The chaining needs to be ended with build() method. (See the build()'s description for possible chaining methods and their default values). Target's identifier is mandatory and represents the Account from which you wish to receive evaluations.

  3. Call CfClient.sharedInstance.initialize(apiKey:configuration:target:cache:onCompletion:) and pass in your Harness CF apiKey, previously created configuration object, target and an optional cache object adopting StorageRepositoryProtocol.

    If cache object is omitted, internal built-in cache will be used. You can also omitt onCompletion parameter if you don't need initialization/authorization information.

Your ff-ios-client-sdk is now initialized. Congratulations!!!

  Upon successful initialization and authorization, the completion block of CfClient.sharedInstance.initialize(apiKey:configuration:target:cache:onCompletion:) will deliver Swift.Result<Void, CFError> object. You can then switch through it's .success(Void) and .failure(CFError) cases and decide on further steps depending on a result.



let configuration = CfConfiguration.builder().setStreamEnabled(true).build()
let target = CfTarget.builder().setIdentifier("YOUR_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER").build()
CfClient.sharedInstance.initialize(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", configuration: configuration, target: target) { (result) in
	switch result {
		case .failure(let error):
			//Do something to gracefully handle initialization/authorization failure
		case .success:
			//Continue to the next step after successful initialization/authorization  



The Public API exposes few methods that you can utilize: Please note that all of the below methods are called on CfClient.sharedInstance

  • public func initialize(apiKey:configuration:target:cache:onCompletion:) -> Called first as described above in the initialization section. (Mandatory)

  • public func registerEventsListener(events:onCompletion:) -> Called in the ViewController where you would like to receive the events. (Mandatory)

  • public func destroy()

    Fetching from cache methods

  • public func stringVariation(evaluationId:defaultValue:completion:)

  • public func boolVariation(evaluationId:defaultValue:completion:)

  • public func numberVariation(evaluationId:defaultValue:completion:)

  • public func jsonVariation(evaluationId:defaultValue:completion:)



events is an array of events that you would like to subscribe to. It defaults to *, which means ALL events. In order to be notified of the SSE events sent from the server, you need to call CfClient.sharedInstance.registerEventsListener() method

NOTE: Registering to events is usually done in viewDidLoad() method when events are required in only one ViewController OR viewDidAppear() if there are more than one registration calls throughout the app, so the events could be re-registered for the currently visible ViewController.

The completion block of this method will deliver Swift.Result<EventType, CFError> object. You can use switch statement within it's .success(EventType) case to distinguish which event has been received and act accordingly as in the example below or handle the error gracefully from it's .failure(CFError) case.

CfClient.sharedInstance.registerEventsListener() { (result) in
	switch result {
		case .failure(let error):
			//Gracefully handle error
		case .success(let eventType):
			switch eventType {
				case .onPolling(let evaluations):
					//Received all evaluation flags -> [Evaluation]
				case .onEventListener(let evaluation):
					//Received an evaluation flag -> Evaluation
				case .onComplete:
					//Received a completion event, meaning that the 
					//SSE has been disconnected
				case .onOpen(_):
					//SSE connection has been established and is active
				case .onMessage(let messageObj):
					//An empty Message object has been received

Fetching from cache methods

The following methods can be used to fetch an Evaluation from cache, by it's known key. Completion handler delivers Evaluation result. If defaultValue is specified, it will be returned if key does not exist. If defaultValue is omitted, nil will be delivered in the completion block. Fetching is done for specified target identifier during initialize() call.

Use appropriate method to fetch the desired Evaluation of a certain type.


CfClient.sharedInstance.stringVariation("your_evaluation_id", defaultValue: String?) { (evaluation) in
	//Make use of the fetched `String` Evaluation


CfClient.sharedInstance.boolVariation("your_evaluation_id", defaultValue: Bool?) { (evaluation) in
	//Make use of the fetched `Bool` Evaluation


CfClient.sharedInstance.numberVariation("your_evaluation_id", defaultValue: Int?) { (evaluation) in
	//Make use of the fetched `Int` Evaluation


CfClient.sharedInstance.jsonVariation("your_evaluation_id", defaultValue: [String:ValueType]?) { (evaluation) in
	//Make use of the fetched `[String:ValueType]` Evaluation

ValueType can be one of the following:

  • ValueType.bool(Bool)
  • ValueType.string(String)
  • ValueType.int(Int)
  • ValueType.object([String:ValueType])

Shutting down the SDK


To avoid potential memory leak, when SDK is no longer needed (when the app is closed, for example), a caller should call this method. Also, you need to call this method when changing accounts through CfTarget object, in order to re-initialize and fetch Evaluations for the right account.
