
This is a simple system to define properties per enviroment

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple system to define properties per environment

To use this in any python project import only the config.py file.

from enviroment-management import config

To define environment variables edit the following files

dev.py -> for developer enviroment variables
prod.py -> for production variables
env.py -> for os enviroment variables 

Set working environment

To set the current working environment (dev or prod) add the variable PYTHON_ENV to your os variables and the appropriate value

Set variables


Edit the config dict in the dev.py file


Edit the config dict in the prod.py file


Edit the config dict in the env.py file and add the corresponding variable names to your os system variables

Eg. if you want to define a port name as an environment variable your config file should look like this:

config = {
    'port': get_env('PORT')

And you should register the PORT env variable

Variable Priority

If you assign the same variables for the varius config files they will be assigned to the final config file with the following priority:

  1. dev/prod
  2. env
  3. default

Resources used:
