
Primary LanguagePython

To generate a key run the following commands

  • openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem

  • openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem

Then we need to rename our private key to .key so the HCERT program can read it (This has been patched in this fork so it is not necessary)

mv private-key.pem private.key

To generate an eHealth QR code run the following

First we must exec in the container by typing:

docker exec -it green_qr_dev bash

Then we must spawn a poetry shell by running:

poetry shell

Finally, we run the following:

python hcert/cli.py sign --key private.key --input test.json --qrcode qr.png


If we want to verify our result we need to re-run the sign but this time we have to export the signed binary. We can do this by typing:

python hcert/cli.py sign --key private.pem --input test.json --output mybinary

Now to verify it we can run:

python hcert/cli.py verify --key public.key --input mybinary --output verified.json