
⚪️ ESLint config that catches strictly the errors and nothing more

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

⚪️ ESLint-config-neutral

ESLint Shareable Config that catches strictly the errors and nothing more.

With that config, you can code however you want. This config is a good choice for those who don't use ESLint at all because they feel like linters restrict them. By default, it doesn't dictate any opinionated things. Strictly the errors.

Also, this config is a good starter, akin to normalize.css, but for ESLint. Feel free to extend it to your liking.


npm install --save-dev eslint-config-neutral

Then, add this to your .eslintrc file:

   "extends": "neutral"

You can override rules or add yours directly in .eslintrc file.


Rule Description Comment
for-direction enforce for loop update clause moving the counter in the right direction One wrong symbol will produce an unintended infinite loop that doesn’t seem wrong at first glance.
no-async-promise-executor disallow using an async function as a Promise executor Promise won’t be rejected if a runtime error happens.
no-await-in-loop disallow await inside of loops await in loops doesn’t lead to asynchronous sequential execution.
no-compare-neg-zero disallow comparing against -0 Comparing against -0 is very odd and unlikely. Programmers who didn’t research this topic specifically hardly know the answer.
no-cond-assign disallow assignment operators in conditional expressions A classic mistake.
no-dupe-args disallow duplicate arguments in function definitions
no-dupe-else-if disallow duplicate conditions in if-else-if chains Leads to the code that looks like it will execute while it won’t.
no-dupe-keys disallow duplicate keys in object literals
no-duplicate-case disallow duplicate case labels
no-invalid-regexp disallow invalid regular expression strings in RegExp constructors
no-loss-of-precision disallow literal numbers that lose precision Precision errors are notoriously hard to debug.
no-obj-calls disallow calling global object properties as functions Things like Math() are always errors.
no-unsafe-negation disallow negating the left operand of relational operators if (!key in foo) meaning “check if the key exist in an object” won’t produce the correct result.
require-atomic-updates disallow assignments that can lead to race conditions due to usage of await or yield
use-isnan require calls to isNaN() when checking for NaN Comparing against NaN is pointless. isNaN() function should be used instead.
valid-typeof enforce comparing typeof expressions against valid strings
no-const-assign disallow reassigning const variables
no-dupe-class-members disallow duplicate class members
no-duplicate-imports disallow duplicate module imports
no-new-symbol disallow new operators with the Symbol object new Symbol() is a counterintuitive error.
no-this-before-super disallow this / super before calling super() in constructors