
🪦 Unfinished, obsolete, outdated and just dead projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

🪦 Welcome to Milo's graveyard!

Here reside the projects of the past.

Also, check out the complete list of things I ever did, alive and dead!

  • 2048 — 2048 game implementation in C++.
  • alpine-curl-bash — Bizon docker config that got 500,000+ downloads. Hosted forever because of lost password.
  • ampersand-adventure — silly and boring game in C.
  • aniro — you scroll a webpage, and content emerges as you scroll.
  • anxiety-machine — a positive feedback loop kinetic sculpture that wasn't meant to be.
  • bacon — the CSS reset I done for Bizon Insurance Group (a non-starter company). Will be hosted forever on GitHub as I lost access to that account, and no one else had it.
  • bipp — classless CSS framework.
  • bliss — browser extension that adds gradients to every HTML element that has background-color.
  • cheetah — Node.js boilerplate.
  • codely — @lizafalko's university graduation project, done entirely by me for her, as she didn't know how to code back then.
  • component-boilerplate — another thing I did for defunct Bizon Insurance Group, the boilerplate to develop UI components in isolation. Hosted forever because of lost password.
  • cosmopolite — bundles your code as both IIFE and an ES Module. Not needed anymore because every browser supports <script typ="module">.
  • couchnanny — yet another Bizon project, was meant to simplify CouchDB management. Hosted forever because of lost password.
  • CPU — my own turing-complete programmable 8-bit CPU built from logical gates in LabView.
  • create-outcast-app — frontend boilerplate.
  • cs101 — my university coding tasks.
  • dolphin — full-stack version of Dolphin that is hosted on GitHub as a purely frontend demo. Supports CRDT sync.
  • electronic-design — my university logic gate / same electronic stuff tasks.
  • emoji — successful test task for Openland (now defunct), emoji picker in React.
  • extensio — browser extension boilerplate.
  • first-c-attempts — my C exercises from 2011.
  • freenounproject — a browser extension that disabled The Noun Project's forced copyright system that prevent perfectly legal things.
  • garfielf — garfielf video by PilotRedSun, but it's a screen reader narration.
  • gasgasgas — dependency breaker for NPM.
  • gol — Game of Life done in Python + PyGame.
  • hazmat — browser extension to ban subreddits you don't like.
  • hrtable — shows which skills often go together. For example, when you search for "HTML", it says "CSS" and "JavaScript".
  • kardinal — a CSS framework that was never meant to be.
  • kurmak — study materials from Lera Kurmak's accessibility course. Made according to this mockup, hosted on Surge.
  • lisp — my attempts to learn Common Lisp.
  • machaon — email app I abandoned early because of its sheer complexity.
  • magnum — super customizable inputs and buttons for React. Never happened.
  • martians — Evil Martians failed interview: the test task.
  • martians-demo — Evil Martians failed interview: performance-related questions.
  • metalevel — async query for JS.
  • miloiam_old — one of my ex personal websites.
  • nebenan — failed test task for Nebenan.de.
  • node-alpine-advanced — Bizon docker config. Hosted forever because of lost password.
  • onelangchallenge — todo list demo with five languages (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, SQL) in one file.
  • productivity-dashboard — nuff said. Ironically, a complete non-starter.
  • pwacss — one of my old Normalize.css replacements.
  • raw — yet another frontend boilerplate.
  • regulatio — input validation library.
  • rektandex — browser extension to remove ads from auto.ru that was acquired by Yandex.
  • rfprnhb — browser extension to remove annoyances from Russian PornHub.
  • ruskorpus-download — browser extension to download stuff from one Russian website used by linguists.
  • seoblock — browser extension to hide search results you don't like.
  • serenity — landing page for my investment fund.
  • smo_js — a coding task from uni.
  • soephit-shop — online store I (didn't quite) made for a friend.
  • thepresence — my dead magnum opus, a static website generator.
  • uploadcare-docs — the draft of better documentation for Uploadcare that was never meant to be.
  • sneaker.js — script that is meant to cripple web browser upon injection.
  • ss.js — SegmentStream failed interview: pure Lispy goodness.
  • ss2.js — SegmentStream failed interview: config file draft.