
Unmaintained clone of ix/arcetera's and milsen's wmutils scripts.

Primary LanguageShellISC LicenseISC

@eris aka "i'm too hipster for a real window manager did i mention i hate
myself" - me


A simple WM powered by wmutils, comprised of pure POSIX-compliant shell scripts.


First off,  you need to compile/install the following:

* wmutils/core - git, not release
* wmutils/opt
* disputils
* sxhkd

Highly recommended:

* lemonbar/dzen2 and the like
* dash
* hsetroot
* compton
* dmenu
* a virtual terminal

If you don't already have them, copy sxhkdrc.default to ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc, and copy xinitrc.default to ~/.xinitrc.

Copy config.default to ~/.config/wmrc/config.

globals and disp go in ~/.config/wmrc/. These are global variables which
you absolutely need, or there will be quite bad damage to ~.

If you wish to use pulsew, then copy colors.default to

Throw all the scripts somewhere in your PATH. Enjoy.

Known issues

* Some have had issues with $HOME destruction; I need to look into this further
* Please report them!


If you want to help, please do! Drop me an email with a diff over master.


kori for groupmgr

z3bra and dcat for work on wmutils

wildefyr for a few scripts otherwise noted

milsen for quite a few pull requests