
:whale2: Learn deploy some objects in kubernetes

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Practice you kubernetes knowledge


  • Golang 1.21
  • Terraform 1.5

how to use

Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:miltlima/kubelearn.git

Enter inside folder kubelearn

cd kubelearn

Optionally you can install kind using make ( requires Docker)

Initialize Terraform repository:

make init

Apply Terraform configurations:

make apply

Destroy Terraform resources

make destroy

You can also use make help for list available commands

  • all: Installs all YAML manifests.
  • clean: Deletes all installed resources.
  • check-syntax: Checks the syntax of all manifests without actually installing them.
  • init: Initializes the Terraform repository.
  • apply: Applies Terraform configurations.
  • destroy: Destroys Terraform resources.

Prepare environment ( this will create kubernetes objects needed for some questions)

Install YAML manifests:

make all

Clean up installed resources:

make clean

Check manifest syntax:

make check-syntax

Answer the questions below

Questions Description
1 Create a new pod called nginx with nginx:alpine image in default namespace.
2 Create a new deployment called nginx-deployment with nginx:alpine image and 4 replicas in default namespace.
3 Create a new deployment called redis with image redis:alpine in latam namespace, and create a service called redis-service with port 6379 in same namespace.
4 Create a namespace called europe
5 Create a configmap europe-configmap with data France=Paris
6 Create a pod thsoot with label country=china, amazon/amazon-ecs-network-sidecar:latest image and namespace asia
7 Create a persistent volume unicorn-pv with capacity 1Gi and access mode ReadWriteMany and host path /tmp/data
8 Create a persistent volume claim unicorn-pvc with capacity 400Mi and access mode ReadWriteMany
9 Create a pod webserver in public namespace with nginx:alpine image and a volume mount /usr/share/nginx/html and a persistent volume claim unicorn-pvc
10 There is a pod with problem, Can you able to solve it ?
11 Create a network policy allow-policy-colors to allow redmobile-webserver to access bluemobile-dbcache (There objects are created in colors namespace)
12 Create a secret secret-colors with data color=red in colors namespace
13 Add a secret secret-purple with data singer=prince to the pod purple with image redis:alpine in colors namespace
14 Create a service account america-sa in default namespace
15 Add service account america-sa to the deployment mark42
16 Change the replica count of the deployment mark42 to 5
17 Create a horizontal pod autoscaler for deployment mark43 with cpu percent 80, min replicas 2 and max replicas 8
18 Prevent privilege escalation in the deployment mark42
19 Add a liveness probe to the pod mark50 with initial delay 5s, period 10s and path / in namespace shield
20 Create a deployment yellow-deployment with bonovoo/node-app:1.0 image and 2 replicas in namespace colors
21 Create a service yellow-service for the deployment yellow-deployment in namespace colors with port 80 and target port 3000
22 Create an ingress ingress-colors with host yellow.com, path /yellow and service yellow-service in namespace colors
23 Create a role apple-one with verbs get, list, watch in namespace fruits
24 Create a job job-gain with parallelism 2, completions 4, backoffLimit 3 and deadlineSeconds 40
25 Create a cronjob cronjob-gain run a each 5 minutes with image busybox:1.28, command 'sleep 3600' and restartPolicy Never
26 Create a statefulset statefulset-gain with image busybox:1.28, command 'sleep 3600' and replicas 3

Running the following command

go run main.go

This will show the table above
