
Cloud Application Programming Model - YouTube Tutorial

Getting Started

Welcome to your new project.

It contains these folders and files, following our recommended project layout:

File / Folder Purpose
app/ content for UI frontends go here
db/ your domain models and data go here
srv/ your service models and code go here
package.json project metadata and configuration
readme.md this getting started guide

Next Steps...

  • Open a new terminal and run cds watch
  • ( in VSCode simply choose Terminal > Run Task > cds watch )
  • Start adding content, e.g. a db/schema.cds, ...

Learn more...

Learn more at https://cap.cloud.sap/docs/get-started/

Commands used:

  • cds add hana (add support for SAP HANA - adds a requires section in package.json file)
  • cds build/all (builds the entire application - all artifacts are stored in gen folder)
  • cf create-service hana hdi-shared mymta-db-hdi-container (create an SAP HANA container - name of container should be from manifest.yml in gen/db folder)
  • cf push -f gen/db (push the db artifacts to Cloud Foundry - manifest.yml created automatically when you ran cds build/all command)
  • cf push -f gen/srv --random-route (push the srv artifacts to Cloud Foundry - manifest.yml created automatically when you ran cds build/all command)

Using HANA for local development

  • See video on how to bind SAP HANA to local application - this creates a .env file
  • But application is looking for default-env.json file - So rename .env file to default-env.json
  • You will have to make minor modifications to default-env.json file to make it a valid json file - see video for details
  • Now simply run the following commands and you are working with SAP HANA in a local environment
  • npm i
  • cds watch