
My personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


These are my personal Linux dotfiles, I use Zsh + Oh My Zsh and the Powerlevel10k theme. These can be used on any "fresh" Linux system, or with Devcontainers / Codespaces

This shell configuration is unlikely to be to everyone's tastes 😁



File Index

  • bin/ – My personal bash scripts, helpers and other things. This is symlinked to ~/bin/
  • .aliases.rc – All aliases go here (used with Bash and Zsh)
  • .banner.rc – Logon banner message (used with Bash and Zsh)
  • .bashprompt.rc – Bash prompt, like a poor mans p10k for Bash, disable with BASIC_PROMPT=1
  • .bashrc – Bash setup/startup script
  • .env.rc – Environmental vars and PATH settings, symlinked to ~/.bashenv & ~/.zshenv
  • .gitconfig – My personal git config
  • .p10k.zsh – Customized Powerlevel10k prompt settings
  • .profile – Untouched but synced just in case
  • .zshrc – Zsh setup/startup script, enables Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k
  • backup.sh – Git add, commit and push to GitHub
  • install-zsh.sh – Installs Zsh, and changes shell, tries to use sudo
  • install.sh – Main install script
  • update.sh – Pulls version from GitHub and overwrites local changes


Clone into ~/dotfiles

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/benc-uk/dotfiles.git

Install zsh if it's not already installed

cd ~

Run install to set up the dotfiles symlinks etc

cd ~

Place any secrets, and local overrides into ~/.local.rc DO NOT add this file to the dotfiles repo