
Yeoman generator for SWIPL project

Primary LanguageProlog

SWIPL Prolog program generators for Yeoman

Collection of simple generators for SWIPL projects


  • Install Yeoman

    npm install -g yo
  • Install SWIPL generator

    npm install -g generator-swipl
  • Create your project folders and navigate there in your terminal

  • Scaffold project structure

    yo swipl

Later you can use module generator to add additional modules to your project

you swipl:module some_module

This will create new prolog module in the current director - unless you are in the root directory, in the such case it creates the module in sources directory - and updates the load.pl accordingly.


yo swipl

The project structure is based on common recommendations of structuring the prolog project. Typically you do not need to touch files in the root directory, rather place your modules into the sources directory. The generated skeletons come with simple hello-world http server and command line interface, as well as with Dockerfile for encapsulating the program into container.

Durring debugging session you can load [debug]. source into you top level session, which enables various debugging features.

For starting the server you execute swipl start.pl. The handlers are placed into module sources/routing.pl.

The command line version can be executed by swipl run.pl <args...>. This invokes main/4, which is placed into module sources/main.pl. The main/4 gets already arguments processed by opt_parse and Input and Output stream that refers to either user_input and user_output or to streams controlled by CLI's --input and --output options. Additional options to opt_parse's OptionSPec can be added by usage of multifile hook cli_option/4 - see run.pl for declaration. The --help option is automatically processed and prints the program's usage.

The docker image is optimized, based on the saved state of your program. If run without arguments, it invokes the http server, any arguments passed to docker run your-swipl-image will lead to invokation of command line interface.

The project allows for simple package management, specify external packages in the packages.pl. They will be automatically installed into .packages folder and attached to the library search.

yo swipl:package

Generates minimal swipl package structure with basic testing and debuging support

yo swipl:module

Generates new prolog module file with corresponding prolog unit tests file and registers it into load.pl script.

Next steps

Created based on my needs, new features may come, but not guaranteed.