
SWI Prolog package for SAX parser lib

Primary LanguageProlog

SIMPLE SAX-like parsing of the XML DOM term

Predicates for simple parsing of XMLns DOM compounds that was loaded by load_xml(Stream, XML, [dialect(xmlns)]) call.


Execute pack_install in your environment.


The main predicate is sax_parse_stream(+Stream, +Context, -Result, +Options:list), which unifies Results with the result of calling sax//2 parser over xml document stored in the Stream. Options are handed over to load_xml/3 call. Durring parsing the predicate invokes the user specified processing predicates handing them over the Context term to distinguish between different contexts. The predicates are multifile predicates and must be loaded into program by the user. The elements that are not handled by user predicates does not cause failure of parsing.

Following predicates are executed:

  • element_start(+Context, +PathStack:list(term), +Prefix:atom, +ElementName:atom, +Attributes:list(term))// is nondet

    Invoked by sax parser for each element in the DOM. Context is provided by the client when invking sax parser. PathStack is reverse list of ancestor elements preceding the current element, each element is represented by compound NamespacePrefix:ElementName:Atttributes. Prefix is namespace identifier either resolved by prefix_namespace/2 predicate or full IRI of the namespace. ElementName and Attributes then represents the element itself.

  • element_start(+Context, +Prefix:atom : +ElementName:atom, +Attributes:list(term))// is nondet

    Alternative simplified version of element_start//5. Sax parser tries to unify element_start//5 then element_start//3

  • element_end(+Context, +PathStack:list(term), +Prefix:atom, +ElementName:atom)// is nondet

    Invoked by sax parser for each element in the DOM after the elements children element were parsed. Context is provided by the client when invking sax parser. PathStack is reverse list of ancestor elements preceding the current element, each element is represented by compound NamespacePrefix:ElementName:Atttributes. Prefix is namespace identifier either resolved by prefix_namespace/2 predicate or full IRI of the namespace. ElementName then represents the element itself.

  • element_end(+Context, +Prefix:atom : +ElementName:atom// is nondet

    Alternative simplified version of element_end//4. sax_parser tries to unify element_end//4 then element_end//2.

  • prefix_namespace(+NamespacePrefix:atom, +NamespaceIri:atom) is nondet Unifies NamespacePrefix with the full NamespaceIri definition. User's code can define additional prefix to simplify sax parsing.

  • text(+Context, PathStack:list(term), +Text:atom) is nondet Invoked by sax_parser when element taxt is evaluated. Similar to element_start//5 but works on text nodes.

  • text(+Context, +Text:atom) is nondet As text//3 but does not provides PathStack to improve readibility.