'extend google.protobuf.FileOptions' in .milvus.proto.milvus Langchainjs 0.0.83 Nextjs
ssawant opened this issue · 18 comments
Describe the bug:
Langchainjs nextjs application Milvus.fromExistingCollition request is failing due to below error. compiled milvus-sdk-node is failing
Steps to reproduce:
- Install latest version on LangChainjs 0.0.83
- Dockerize as Langchainjs nextjs application
- Error thrown in following line
const vectorStoreMilvus = await Milvus.fromExistingCollection(
new OpenAIEmbeddings({}),
collectionName: <>
Error :
error Error: unresolvable extensions: 'extend google.protobuf.FileOptions' in .milvus.proto.milvus
at Root.resolveAll (/app/node_modules/protobufjs/src/root.js:256:15)
at loadProtosWithOptionsSync (/app/node_modules/@grpc/proto-loader/build/src/util.js:68:16)
at loadSync (/app/node_modules/@grpc/proto-loader/build/src/index.js:197:61)
at getGRPCService (/app/node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/utils/Grpc.js:26:57)
at MilvusClient.BaseClient (/app/node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/milvus/BaseClient.js:58:56)
at MilvusClient.Collection [as constructor] (/app/node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/milvus/Collection.js:87:42)
at MilvusClient.Data [as constructor] (/app/node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/milvus/Data.js:81:47)
at MilvusClient.Index [as constructor] (/app/node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/milvus/MilvusIndex.js:72:42)
at MilvusClient.Partition [as constructor] (/app/node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/milvus/Partition.js:61:42)
at MilvusClient.Resource [as constructor] (/app/node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/milvus/Resource.js:61:42)
Milvus-node-sdk version:
Milvus version:
Let me do some test.
Would you like to share you code?
I have the same issue, running on vercel, sveltekit setup.
"@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node": "^2.2.10",
relevant code 👇
import { DataType, MilvusClient } from '@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node';
const client = new MilvusClient(address, secure, user, password);
const collection_name = 'foobar';
await client.loadCollectionSync({
const vector = [...Array(512)].map(() => Math.random());
const res = await client.search({
vectors: [vector],
search_params: {
anns_field: "vector",
metric_type: "L2",
params: JSON.stringify({ nprobe: 64 }),
topk: '5',
output_fields: ['baz'],
vector_type: DataType.FloatVector,
Thanks. maybe there is some limitation on vercel platform. let me test it.
it's the same for lower vector dims like 128
It breaks on Netlify as well, edge function related maybe.
Nextjs doesn't load proto files by default, you should modify webpack config: copy these file into the build folder.
This config works for me.
const path = require("path");
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
webpack: (config, { isServer }) => {
if (isServer) {
// Copy the proto files to the server build directory
new CopyWebpackPlugin({
patterns: [
from: path.join(
to: path.join(__dirname, ".next"),
// Important: return the modified config
return config;
module.exports = nextConfig;
Nextjs 默认不加载 proto 文件,你应该修改 webpack 配置:将这些文件复制到构建文件夹中。
const path = require("path"); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { webpack: (config, { isServer }) => { if (isServer) { // Copy the proto files to the server build directory config.plugins.push( new CopyWebpackPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: path.join( __dirname, "node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist" ), to: path.join(__dirname, ".next"), }, ], }) ); } // Important: return the modified config return config; }, }; module.exports = nextConfig;
👋 我也碰到了类似的问题:ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/official-website/.next/server/app/proto/proto/schema.proto',你这个方案貌似解决了我的问题,棒棒哒🤣
Can the protoPath variable be configured? From the code, it seems to use __dirname, which would cause the protoPath to constantly change by caller route in Next.js, making it more troublesome to use.
Or make it nextjs-milvus
Or is prisma-milvus
v2.3.0 works like a charm. Thanks @shanghaikid
I have the some problem with Nuxt3 when build app.
Package version : @zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node": "^2.3.1"
Error message:
unresolvable extensions: 'extend google.protobuf.FileOptions' in .milvus.proto.milvus
at Root.resolveAll (//.output/server/node_modules/protobufjs/src/root.js:256:15)
at loadProtosWithOptionsSync (//.output/server/node_modules/@grpc/proto-loader/build/src/util.js:68:16)
at loadSync (//.output/server/node_modules/@grpc/proto-loader/build/src/index.js:197:61)
Nextjs doesn't load proto files by default, you should modify webpack config: copy these file into the build folder.
This config works for me.
const path = require("path"); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { webpack: (config, { isServer }) => { if (isServer) { // Copy the proto files to the server build directory config.plugins.push( new CopyWebpackPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: path.join( __dirname, "node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist" ), to: path.join(__dirname, ".next"), }, ], }) ); } // Important: return the modified config return config; }, }; module.exports = nextConfig;
so this problem can not resolve? I think copy-webpack
is a dirty code for me.
Nextjs doesn't load proto files by default, you should modify webpack config: copy these file into the build folder.
This config works for me.const path = require("path"); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { webpack: (config, { isServer }) => { if (isServer) { // Copy the proto files to the server build directory config.plugins.push( new CopyWebpackPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: path.join( __dirname, "node_modules/@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist" ), to: path.join(__dirname, ".next"), }, ], }) ); } // Important: return the modified config return config; }, }; module.exports = nextConfig;so this problem can not resolve? I think
is a dirty code for me.
You can define the milvus proto file in the clientOptions. or you can create a pr to make it better.
Hey @shanghaikid .
I managed to run nextjs with your solution but just on "npm run dev"(when changing to what you said) but when I'm doing npm run build I get this error:
Collecting page data ..Error: Unable to load service: milvus.proto.milvus.MilvusService from XXXXXX/.next/proto/proto/milvus.proto but the file exists in the direcoty
Hey @shanghaikid . I managed to run nextjs with your solution but just on "npm run dev"(when changing to what you said) but when I'm doing npm run build I get this error: Collecting page data ..Error: Unable to load service: milvus.proto.milvus.MilvusService from XXXXXX/.next/proto/proto/milvus.proto but the file exists in the direcoty
same question here.
Hey @shanghaikid . I managed to run nextjs with your solution but just on "npm run dev"(when changing to what you said) but when I'm doing npm run build I get this error: Collecting page data ..Error: Unable to load service: milvus.proto.milvus.MilvusService from XXXXXX/.next/proto/proto/milvus.proto but the file exists in the direcoty
same question here.
https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus-sdk-node/tree/main/examples/nextjs you can check this example.
Readme upgraded, close the issue.