- 1
- 4
Primary key field is lost during upsert
#399 opened by rakuzen25 - 1
- 4
- 1
Build a pool of connections <> Check if the connection is dead to revive it.
#270 opened by asennoussi - 9
Fail to run langchain milvus vector store sample
#217 opened by webup - 3
Add sparse float vector support
#290 opened by zhengbuqian - 1
queryIterator limit field is not documented properly
#360 opened by teynar - 0
- 2
Support recalls in response
#386 opened by chasingegg - 0
how to check connection
#340 opened by ehooi - 4
- 2
It should handle int64 properly
#226 opened by shanghaikid - 11
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/task/.next/proto/proto/schema.proto'
#326 opened by AOvardovVSG - 3
[Bug]: failed to create query plan: field (id) to search is not of vector data type: invalid parameter
#358 opened by juanreynolds - 13
TLS Connection not possible with node-sdk
#334 opened by Eyalm321 - 3
Support for Milvus-Lite
#354 opened by hegdeashwin - 7
HTTP client query method is not working as expected
#342 opened by arrrrny - 4
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: Deadline exceeded
#337 opened by 759325100 - 1
Which should I trust? autoID or auto_id?
#333 opened by hellohejinyu - 0
Replace loadCollection with loadCollectionSync
#325 opened by shanghaikid - 0
add listGrant
#315 opened by shanghaikid - 3
Please support search for multiple vectors
#260 opened by ShravanSunder - 0
add describeDatabase api
#321 opened by shanghaikid - 0
add db_name to APIs
#316 opened by shanghaikid - 13
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/admin/.next/server/app/api/proto/proto/schema.proto
#276 opened by yangjinhui - 0
Support set consistency level on delete request
#308 opened by shanghaikid - 14
Search with iterator
#286 opened by BeAllAround - 0
- 18
'extend google.protobuf.FileOptions' in .milvus.proto.milvus Langchainjs 0.0.83 Nextjs
#170 opened by ssawant - 2
[Langchain] - How to set collection vector dimension?
#264 opened by eskan - 3
failed to get channels, collection not loaded
#245 opened by sadwsh - 1
MilvusClient instantiation is not catchable
#255 opened by mohhsen67 - 2
The dynamicSchema in the example is OK?
#256 opened by nobody4t - 4
Provide a count function
#208 opened by geminigeek - 3
Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
#195 opened by evanlong0803 - 1
getVersion Should be removed from API?
#198 opened by teetering - 0
support missing AlterCollection
#241 opened by shanghaikid - 9
Delete is not working, Delete entities not working
#207 opened by geminigeek - 3
Uncaught exception: write EPIPE
#196 opened by teetering - 7
search api only return `score` and `id`
#222 opened by disflyer - 0
Lack of error handling on invalid collection names
#218 opened by magnusdr - 0
output_fields error
#220 opened by disflyer - 0
`milvusClient.delete()` can not delete entities when the primary key is string.
#213 opened by yuyicai - 1
useDatabase is not available
#197 opened by geminigeek - 3
- 0
Ignore Growing Segment
#204 opened by filip-halt - 5
Unable to use DataType.String as primary key
#189 opened by estyrke - 14
- 2
search results are wrong
#184 opened by lutiayi