
Ride Hailing Service desgin with Serverless AWS Architecture By utilizing Google Map API's

Primary LanguagePython

Ride Hailing Service


  • Click this link to download Python
  • Download and install Node Js
  • Download and run the AWS CLI MSI installer

Install the serverless CLI via NPM:

npm install -g serverless

Once AWS CLI is installed, configure AWS CLI with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key.

 aws configure

First, create Python virtual environment for packages installation (Windows OS)

python -m venv env

Once created activate it through the below command (Windows OS)


Install all python requirements via PIP

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install node modules via NPM

npm i

Add Google API KEY

Find Google API Key in your email. Replace this provided API Key (Or your Own Google API Key) in serverless.yaml under function section and in Trip function replace with original one.

    handler: src/api/trip_fare.lambda_handler
      - Ref: PythonRequirementsLambdaLayer
      API_KEY: <API-Key> # Its for demo purpose, In real case all envrionment variables are in seperate file which is not a part of git repository
        - ./src/api/trip_fare.py
    iamRoleStatementsName: TripFare-policy-sls-${self:provider.region}-${self:provider.stage}
      - http:
          path: trip/fare
          method: get
          cors: True

After Successful Installation uses the below to deploy serverless code to AWS.

serverless deploy 

After successful deployment its time to test APIs, so follow below steps to achive this

  1. Use this link to get APIs collection. https://www.getpostman.com/collections/853aa642ec5ec96cfdc8
  2. After this set baseUrl environment variable to your one.