
Python library for WordPress XML-RPC integration

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python library to interface with a WordPress blog's XML-RPC API.

An implementation of the standard WordPress API methods is provided, but the library is designed for easy integration with custom XML-RPC API methods provided by plugins.

A set of classes are provided that wrap the standard WordPress data types (e.g., Blog, Post, User). The provided method implementations return these objects when possible.

NOTE: The XML-RPC API is disabled in WordPress by default. To enable, go to Settings->Writing->Remote Publishing and check the box for XML-RPC.

This library was developed against and tested on WordPress 3.2. This library is only compatible with Python 2.x.


Create an instance of the Client class with the URL of the WordPress XML-RPC endpoint and user credentials. Then pass an XmlrpcMethod object into its call method to execute the remote call and return the result.

>>> from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
>>> from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetRecentPosts, NewPost
>>> from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.users import GetUserInfo

>>> wp = Client('http://mysite.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php', 'username', 'password')
>>> wp.call(GetRecentPosts(10))
[<WordPressPost: hello-world (id=1)>]

>>> wp.call(GetUserInfo())
<WordPressUser: max>

>>> post = WordPressPost()
>>> post.title = 'My new title'
>>> post.description = 'This is the body of my new post.'
>>> post.tags = 'test, firstpost'
>>> post.categories = ['Introductions', 'Tests']
>>> wp.call(NewPost(post, True))

Notice that properties of WordPress objects are accessed directly, and not through the definition attribute defined in the source code.

When a WordPress object is used as a method parameter, its struct parameter is automatically extracted for consumption by XML-RPC. However, if you use an object in a list of other embedded data structure used as a parameter, be sure to use obj.struct or else WordPress will not receive data in the format it expects.

>>> from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressCategory
>>> from wordpress_xmlrpc.categories import NewCategory, SetPostCategories

>>> wp = Client('http://mysite.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php', 'username', 'password')
>>> new_category = WordPressCategory()
>>> new_category.name = 'My new category'
>>> new_category.cat_id = wp.call(NewCategory(new_category))

>>> another_category = WordPressCategory()
>>> another_category.name = 'Another new category'
>>> another_category.cat_id = wp.call(NewCategory(another_category))

>>> wp.call(SetPostCategories(5, [new_category.struct, another_category.struct]))

Custom XML-RPC Methods

To interface with a non-standard XML-RPC method (such as one added by a plugin), you must simply extend wordpress_xmlrpc.XmlrpcMethod or one of its subclasses (AnonymousMethod or AuthenticatedMethod).

The XmlrpcMethod class provides a number of properties which you can override to modify the behavior of the method call.

Sample class to call a custom method added by a ficticious plugin:

from wordpress_xmlrpc import AuthenticatedMethod

class MyCustomMethod(AuthenticatedMethod):
        method_name = 'custom.MyMethod'
        method_args = ('arg1', 'arg2')

See base.py for more details.


WordPress Classes

See wordpress.py for full details.

Available classes:

  • WordPressPost
  • WordPressPage
  • WordPressBlog
  • WordPressAuthor
  • WordPressUser
  • WordPressCategory
  • WordPressComment
  • WordPressTag
  • WordPressMedia
  • WordPressOption

XML-RPC Methods

See files in the methods folder for details on exact method parameters and return values.


  • GetRecentPosts(num_posts)
  • GetPost(post_id)
  • NewPost(content, publish)
  • EditPost(post_id, content, publish)
  • DeletePost(post_id)
  • GetPostStatusList()
  • GetPostFormats() - requires WordPress 3.2 or newer
  • PublishPost(post_id)


  • GetPages(num_pages)
  • GetPage(page_id)
  • NewPage(content, publish)
  • EditPage(page_id, content, publish)
  • DeletePage(page_id)
  • GetPageStatusList()
  • GetPageTemplates()


  • GetCategories()
  • NewCategory(category)
  • DeleteCategory(category_id)
  • SuggestCategories(category, max_results)
  • GetPostCategories(post_id)
  • SetPostCategories(post_id, categories)
  • GetTags()


  • GetComment(comment_id)
  • NewComment(post_id, comment)
  • EditComment(comment_id, comment)
  • DeleteComment(comment_id)
  • GetCommentStatusList()
  • GetCommentCount(post_id)
  • GetComments(struct)


  • GetUserInfo()
  • GetUsersBlogs()
  • GetAuthors()


  • GetMediaLibrary(filter) - requires WordPress 3.1 or newer
  • GetMediaItem(attachmend_id) - requires WordPress 3.1 or newer
  • UploadFile(data)


  • GetOptions(options)
  • SetOptions(options)


  • SayHello()
  • AddTwoNumbers(number1, number2)

Running Tests


nose is used as the test runner, and nose-testconfig for specifying configuration values. To install:

easy_install nose
easy_install nose-testconfig

Configuring against your server

To test this library, we must perform XML-RPC requests against an actual WordPress server. To configure against your own server:

  • Copy the included wp-config-sample.cfg file to wp-config.cfg.
  • Edit wp-config.cfg and fill in the necessary values.

Running Tests

Note: Be sure to have installed nose and created your wp-config.cfg.

To run the entire test suite, run the following from the root of the repository:


To run a sub-set of the tests, you can specify a specific feature area:

nosetests -a posts

You can run against multiple areas:

nosetests -a posts -a comments

Or you can run everything except a specific area:

nosetests -a '!comments'

You can use all the normal nose command line options. For example, to increase output level:

nosetests -a demo --verbosity=3

Full usage details:

Contributing Tests

If you are submitting a patch for this library, please be sure to include one or more tests that cover the changes.

if you are adding new test methods, be sure to tag them with the appropriate feature areas using the @attr() decorator.