
A repo to show and test various DevOps things

Primary LanguageHCL

DevOps All The Things

Container Main CI/CD Terraform CI


Just a repo to showcase and test various DevOps things and tools.

Technologies used:

  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Terraform
  • K3d
  • GitHub Actions
  • CLI tooling (YQ)


├── Dockerfile
├── README.md
├── litecoin.namespace.yaml
├── litecoin.service.yaml
├── litecoin.statefulset.yaml
├── main.tf
└── tf-iam
    ├── ci-iam.tf
    └── variables.tf

This repository currently holds Kubernetes, Docker, and Terraform deployments.


The Dockerfile builds a container that runs the Litecoin daemon.


The three Kubernetes manifest deploys out a StatefulSet running the container that was built from the Dockerfile.


Inside the tf-iam folder is a Terraform module that is invoked by the main.tf file. Passing in some variables to customize the module.


Two Github actions jobs exist around this project.

conatiner-ci-cd.yml contains two stages.

  • The build stage is responsible for building, scanning, and pushing the container to a public repository.

  • The deploy stage spins up Kubernetes cluster using K3d and deploys the kubernetes manifests in this repo to the cluster. At the end of the job, there is some echo commands that dumps out information around the deployment.

    I ended up using YQ to do some text manipulation to update the image: value with the newly tagged image that was built in the previous job.

terraform-ci.yml contains a single stage.

  • It runs a terraform validate against the terraform in this repo. If that passes, it will run a step that formats the terraform code and creates a PR to resolve any formatting issues. This keeps the terraform code in this repo in a clean state.


Various documentation was used in this project as a source to check for best practices and processes.