
POC a GitOps process with a QA environment


POC a GitOps process with a QA environment

Getting started

Install the following tools

  • Docker
  • k3d
  • kubectl

Creating your dev cluster

cd into the ./cluster folder and run k3d cluster create. K3d will magically pick up the config file :)

Once the cluster has been created, your kube-config file should be automatically update. You can then run kubectl cluster-info if you see the that the control plane is running on you know you have a running cluster, locally!

Deploying ArgoCD

For GitOps we need to depoy an application called ArgoCD. This is going to be our main way of deploying applications to the cluster from a git repo.

Create the ArgoCD namespace kubectl create namespace argocd

Navigate to the ./argocd folder and apply the deployment manifest (install.yaml) into the argocd namespace. kubectl apply -f install.yaml -n argocd

That should do it. Lets get connected by getting the ArgoCD service name and port forwarding to it.

List services: kubectl get service -n argocd

The one we are looking for should be argocd-server.

Using kubectl, port forward to the server port with kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

Open your favorite browser and navigate to https://localhost:8080, accept the self-signed certificate error and you should be presented with the ArgoCD page.

Lets get the credentials to log into the ArgoCD dashboard. ArgoCD stores this in a Kubernetes secret that was created when we installed ArgoCD.

Retrieve secret value: echo $(kubectl get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -n argocd -o jsonpath="{.data.password}") | base64 -d

Using the secret, log into ArgoCD

Username: admin Password: