
multi-task and multi-track music transcription for everyone

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


YourMT3: Multi-task and multi-track music transcription for everyone

UPDATE (2023 29 Oct.):

  • Regrettably, due to the policy of the company I am currently working with on this project, open code will likely be possible in January 2024.

UPDATE (2023 6 Oct.):

  • YourMT3+ is currently achieving on-par with or clearly better performance (using our own augmentation) than MT3.
  • YourMT3+ achieves comparable performance with PerceiverTF on Slakh when our own augmentation (similar to PerceiverTF) is applied.
  • Our toolkit comes with easy-to-use auto-downloader/installer for full dataset of MT3 (except for Cerberus, which has overlap with Slakh) + MIR-ST500 for singing.
  • Improved data-loading that enables everything on-the-fly by custom batching pipeline (not using auto-batch of PyTorch DataLoader)
  • Note-processing and tokenization are implemented dependency-free from noteseq, prettymidi.
  • System requirements for fully reproducing result: 500GB disk space, 80G (recommended) GPU memory
  • We are going to present this work (YourMT3+) as an ISMIR Late-breaking Demo next month in Milano.