
Stop or Start an Azure VM and switch disks at the same time to cheaper or faster SKUs

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Stop-Start-AzureVMs (Scheduled VM Shutdown/Startup)

This PowerShell Workflow runbook connects to Azure using an Automation Credential and Starts/Stops a VM/a list of VMs/All VMs in a Subscription in-parallel. You can attach a recurring schedule to this runbook to run it at a specific time.

This script is using following contribution:


The switch disk part that has been added to above contribution is described here:



  1. SubscriptionId - parameter that allows scoping VMs to a particular Subscription.
  2. AzureVMList - parameter to input the VM/VMList Name - seperated by (,).
  3. Action - Parameter to perform the action. Stop - to stop the Azure Virtual Machine; Start - to start the Azure Virtual Machine.
  4. Optional: Disktype in Stop and Start modus can be adapted. Default: Stop: Standard_LRS, Start: Premium_LRS.


  1. AzureCredential - Is added as an credential under Shared Resources at the Automation Account level.