
Transform Your Audio with Ease: Effortlessly Transcribe and Translate with Google Cloud ( audio file & live stream)

Primary LanguagePython

Check out these two tutorial articles on how to utilize Google Cloud AI for live translation πŸš€and effortless audio file transcription and translation 🌟Check out these two tutorial articles on how to utilize Google Cloud AI for live translation πŸš€and effortless audio file transcription and translation 🌟

Step-by-Step Guide to Live Translation Using Google Cloud AI 🎀

Learn how to use Python to connect to the API, with detailed step-by-step instructions and basic setup introductions. Plus, discover the method to break the 5-minute limit and achieve infinite live streaming πŸ™Œ

Transform Your Audio Files with Ease: Effortlessly Transcribe and Translate at Scale with Google Cloud πŸ”Š

For large audio files, this method is your go-to solution. Learn how to use GCP's UI to directly convert files and then translate using Python πŸ€–

Full code available here:

Full tutorial articles are available on Medium or my blog πŸ“

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