
Primary LanguageC++

Consumer IoT Platform

style: very good analysis pub package

Folder Structure - folder by screens

The point of a structure is to make it easy to find stuff & make changes as new requirements arise. A good structure does this for both experienced and new developers.

  • core:

    Contains App Services, Api Calls, Localization etc., All API, GPS data, Cache etc are fetched from here

    • config- Contains all the configuration files for the app.
    • localization- Contains all the localization files for the app.
    • routes - Contains all the routes for the app.
    • controllers- All the gloablly used controllers for the app.
    • api- Contains all the API functions.
    • theme- Contains the global app theme data.
  • gen: Contains Asset genrated bundle

  • meta:

    Contains pages, widgets, utils etc that are common for multiple features. For example: a Custom Loading indicator, Error Pages, Get location function etc

    • widgets - Contains gloablly used widgets for the app.
    • utils - Contains gloablly used utils for the app.
    • models - Model classes for the app.
  • screens:

    UI Screens having a seperate controller assigned to each of them

    • screen A - Can be any screen Ex. home_screen
      • components - Contains all the components for the screen A.
      • controllers - Contains all the controllers for the screen A.
      • views - Contains all the views for the screen A, Ex. A page is having multiple tabs
        • tab A - Can be any tab Ex. home_tab
          • components - Contains all the components for the tab A.
          • controllers - Contains all the controllers for the tab A.

Flutter App Coding Guidelines:

  • Using latest stable version of Flutter 3.0.1.
  • image
  • Use lower_case_file_names.dart.
  • Minimize use of statefull widgets.
  • Use const for all constants.
  • Minimize use of setState().
  • Use Named Routes for all the screens.
  • Use line length 120 for dart files.
  • image

Used Packages:

  • get - State Management, Localization, Theming, etc.
  • cached_network_image - Image caching library.
  • dio - HTTP client for Restful APIs.
  • flutter_screenutil - Screen size utility for Responsive Design.
  • shared_preferences - Local storage.
  • json_serializable - Code generation for serializable classes.
  • retrofit - Code generation for RESTful APIs.
  • syncfusion_flutter_charts - Charting library.
  • syncfusion_flutter_core - Core library for Data Visualization.
  • syncfusion_flutter_gauges - Gauge library for Data Visualization.
  • flutter_svg - SVG image loading library.
  • flutter_driver - Flutter Driver for testing (Required for Appium).


We are using Appium Flutter Driver for testing

If you are unfamiliar with running Appium tests, start with Appium Getting Starting first.

The must be compiled in debug or profile mode, because Flutter Driver does not support running in release mode..