
Materials forthe Tech Entrepreneurship course with Azure

Primary LanguageC#


Materials for the Tech Entrepreneurship course with Azure.

Be sure to join the Technical Entrepreneurship Facebook group to ask questions and to receive program updates.


In case anyone missed it, our next lecture (Saturday, June 6) will start at 13:00. This is a one-time change that will not affect our next lectures.

Course syllabus

  1. SaaS in the Azure Cloud;
  2. Какво е SaaS;
  3. Какво е Cloud; 1. Защо SaaS в Cloud-а;
  4. Azure в детайли - 2ч;
  5. Избор на Технологичен стек – .NET;
  6. Защо .NET. Анализ на екосистемата. Сравнение с други екосистеми. Плюсове и Минуси;
  7. Wеб сървър с WebApi и OData;
  8. Microservices architecture and background processing - Hangfire, Orleans, Redis (TBD);
  9. Native application development with .NET and Xamarin;
  10. (TBD);
  11. Инфраструктура за стартъпи;
  12. Source Control;
  13. Azure Deployment;
  14. Continuous Integration - автоматизация;
  15. SSL certificates;
  16. Интеграции с други cloud услуги в и извън Azure – UserVoice, Leanplum, Braintree, Taperecorder и други;
  17. (TBD); - Leanplum / Джо
  18. (TBD); - Chaos Group / Симандов
  19. Hands on Lab - 3ч. активна работа + Q&As