
Fork, clone, run npm install, npm start, pull request


  • Create a component folder to hold component files
  • Organize this web page into appropriate components
    • ProductDetail
    • Header
    • Footer
    • Carousel
    • Think of some other components you could make
  • The ProductDetail should repesent only one single product
  • The ProductDetail should take a prop called product with is an object, and use it to populate price, name, description reviews and stars.
  • Make sure each component is in its own file and imported into App.js
  • Use the provided data in state.js to dynamically populate information instead of the hard coded html that is there now.
  • In index.js provide App with a prop called "products" sending in the product array
  • App should use the product prop and map the array of products into an array of ProductDetail components
  • Make the star images represent the number rating from data.
  • Bonus. Notice the grey stars.

Add Item To Cart

  • Add a button to ProductDetail "Add To Cart"
  • When the button is clicked it should increase the value of the state numberOfItemsInCart by 1
  • The Header should update to show the current value of numberOfItemsInCart
  • How does Header get that information in order to show it?
  • How do you update Header so that it shows the number when it changes?
  • How do you make one component affect something in another component?

Add Item To Cart V2

  • Adding 1 to a counter is not a realistic way to add an item to the shopping cart
  • How would you alter the structure of the state object to represent a realistic way to do this
  • How would you alter the data in the state object to represent adding an item to a cart
  • How would Header now show how many items are in cart
  • Add a checkout button


  • Let's create a very simple checkout process
  • When you click the checkout button, whatever products are in the cart should somehow be processed so a person knows to ship those products to the customer
  • The products in the cart need to be sent to the server to be saved as an order
  • When the products are recieved by the server, they need to be saved in a database