
Let't practice using react router.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Fork, Clone, yarn install, yarn start
  • Slight quirk - refreshing doesn't work from any path other than the default one so you will have to go back to the default path to refresh


  • Import BrowserRouter,Switch and Route from react-router-dom
  • Import components needed
  • Create the appropriate routes {/* PUT YOUR ROUTES HERE */}
  • Make sure the default route goes at the bottom
  • Make sure BrowserRouter wraps everything
  • Make sure you use the component prop, not render.


  • / -> Dashboard
  • /charts -> Charts
  • /tables -> Tables
  • /settings -> Settings
  • /wall -> Wall
  • /profiles -> Profiles
  • /marquee/:text -> Marquee
  • /profile/:id -> Profile

Create these components. The content of the components is not important, just put anything <div> whatever </div>

  • Charts.js
  • Tables.js
  • Settings.js
  • Wall.js

Existing components

  • Profiles.js
    • Import Link from react-router-dom
    • change the <a> to be a Link that links to /profile/ + user.id
  • Profile.js
    • Change the hard coded 0 with the value from the parameter id
  • Dashboard.js
  • Marquee
    • replace the hard coded "hello" with the text parameter from the route


  • Import Link from react-router-dom
  • Create links to all the routes except Profile
  • Hard code some links to Marquee
    • /marquee/iloveroutes
    • /marquee/reactrouterrules
    • …etc