Kubernetes manifest resources for Netbox. all images are pulled from docker hub. Netbox images pulled from https://hub.docker.com/r/ninech/netbox/
this is not for production this is just for testing
To get NetBox up and running:
$ git clone
$ cd netbox-kubernetes
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials <clustername> --zone <zone> --project <project>
$ kubectl apply -f netbox-namespace.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml --namespace netbox
$ kubectl apply -f postgres.yaml --namespace netbox
$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml --namespace netbox
$ kubectl apply -f service.yaml --namespace netbox
$ kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml --namespace netbox
At the moment you can access the application using follwing command.
$ kubectl get pods -n netbox
Now you can check what is your external ip
$ kubectl -n netbox get svc
The application will be available after a few minutes. "http://"
Default credentials:
* Username: **netbox**
* Password: **password**
You can configure the app using environment variables. These are defined in ConfigMap section in configmap.yaml
Helm Chart
This is a living document. If you spot areas that can be improved or rewritten, contributions are welcome!