The Gopher Message Queue

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The Gopher Message Queue

What is this

A straightforward, dead simple Pub / Sub message broker.

The only configuration you need to worry about is specifying a port when running it (for now, you have to do that in the code).


GMQ runs on TCP, it expects inputs to be plain text JSON of this structure:

"method" : "pub",
"chan" : 1,
"msg" : {"id" : "UUID", "routingkey" : "goQueue", "body": "someString"}


method : possible values : pub / sub / unsub / new / del / queues

pub : publishes the message in the payload into the routingKey queue, if the queue does not exist, it will create it

sub : subs to the routingKey queue, if the queue does not exist, will return an err

unsub : unsubs from the routingKey queue. no op if queue does not exist or client is not subbed

new : creates a new queue named as routingKey, no op if queue already exists

del : deletes a queue, no op if queue does not exist. Will notifiy all subs of the queue of deletion event

queues : returns a list of all available queues

chan : non zero, non negative int, signifies the channel id for multiplexing in TCP

msg :

{"id" : "UUID", "routingkey" : "goQueue", "body": "someString"}

id : UUID - 128 bits long, has to be generated at client level

routingkey : name of the queue

body : (optional), plain text field containing the actual message, only required on pub operations, otherwise send empty str

Idea behind GMQ

This is a project I have developed to challenge my recentlyy acquired knowledge of distributed systems, It is not designed to be a full fledged message broker (at least not for now), a lot of features are missing, like permissions (anyone can publish / subscribe to any queue), no message persistence (everything is stored in memory), no retries on failure / dead queue managment (I intend to implement this), absolutely 0 logging except for STDOUT to the console. It is a tool that may help people be introduced to message queue services on a surface level, or for testing in development environments.


Open an issue, or directly 'push' (ha!) and pull.