FigmaBackup is a Node.js CLI to backup Figma files and store them as local .fig files.
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Add an option to download projects by `teamId`
#16 opened by mimshins - 6
Problem in downloading files
#18 opened by amirnegah - 2
- 10
- 1
Dependency bump planned?
#25 opened by OktarinTentakel - 3
Files are not being saved
#26 opened by 0xRapid - 1
ERR. Backup failed. Cyrillic?
#27 opened by D13410N3 - 3
work only with --debug
#28 opened by rickyticky2 - 2
backup error (ERR. Backup failed | File with id "XXXXXXX" page loading failed!)
#29 opened by vgoltsev - 2
Option to specify backup rotation
#22 opened by sas1024 - 4
Error in Figma backup using package - missing download command for specific project
#20 opened by mostafaznv - 1
- 24
Downloading big files causes crashes
#17 opened by IgorLeSouverain - 8
Unexpected Redirect
#13 opened by nikitashekhov - 6
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ERR. Download aborted
#6 opened by mostafaznv - 3
Backup aborts with timeout
#8 opened by monegim - 6
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process.getuid is not a function on windows
#3 opened by lordunited - 19
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چرا دانلود کروم؟
#1 opened by iaghapour