
AppSync for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Support iOS 5 through 8.1
Copyright (c) 2014 Linus Yang

AppSync is NOT meant for piracy. Please do not use it to install pirate apps!


  • Add repo http://yangapp.googlecode.com/svn to Cydia, then search and install "AppSync",
  • Or manually download and install by iFile or dpkg.
  • You can also install "App Installer" to install apps by command appinst <ipa file>.


AppSync is a development tool for eliminating the restriction of installing self-signed .ipa packages on iOS devices. It helps developers who haven't enrolled the iOS developers' program to test apps with Xcode.

This AppSync implementation ultilizes the dynamic hooking function MSHookFunction of Cydia Substrate by @saurik to bypass the signature check. It does not modify any system files, which is more generic, stable and safe.


You can build AppSync directly on your device:

  1. Use Cydia to add repo http://yangapp.googlecode.com/svn.
  2. Search and install git, theos and Erica Utilities. (This may take a few minutes.)
  3. SSH into your device (or use MobileTerminal) to run the following commands:
# Use git to clone repo
git clone https://github.com/linusyang/AppSync.git

# Build AppSync
cd AppSync
make package

# Build App Installer
cd App
make package


com.saurik.iphone.fmil by @saurik


Licensed under GPLv3.