A curated list of Dart code and resources, inspired by awesome lists.
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Pub - Pub is Dart package manager.
Stagehand - A project scaffolding generator, inspired by tools like Web Starter Kit and Yeoman.
Crossdart - Cross-reference of Dart packages.
Crossdart Github Chrome Extension - Adds "Go to declaration" and "Find Usages" functionality to your Dart projects on Github
gulp-dart - A gulp plugin for compiling Dart code to JavaScript using dart2js.
dev_compiler - Dart to JavaScript compiler designed to create idiomatic, readable JavaScript output.
watcher - A file system watcher library for Dart.
dart2js - dart2js (from the Dart Git Repository).
dart2js_info- Model of the data produced by dart2js with --dump-info, and tools that process the information.
linter - Style linter for Dart.
intl - Internationalization and localization support.
dart_style - An opinionated formatter/linter for Dart code.
source_gen - Automatic source code generation for Dart.
dartdoc - API documentation tool for Dart.
ts2dart - ts2dart TypeScript to Dart transpiler.
Build System
IDEs : See also Dart Tools.
- Sublime Text - Sublime Text 3 Dart Package
- Emacs - An Emacs mode for the Dart language
- Vim - Dart for Vim
- Atom
- Atom-dart - Dart support for Atom.
- Atom-flutter - Dart-flutter support for Atom.
- atom-dartino - atom-dartino.
- Atom-dart - Dart support for Atom.
- Sublime Text - Sublime Text 3 Dart Package
- Test - A library for writing unit tests in Dart.
- Test - A library for writing unit tests in Dart.
- logging - A Dart package for debug and error logging.
- logging - A Dart package for debug and error logging.
- grinder- Dart workflows, automated.
- grinder- Dart workflows, automated.
- Universal Tween Engine - A port of the original java Universal Tween Engine created by Aurelien Ribbon.
- Angular2 - Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.
- Polymer - Polymer support for Dart
- ng_bootstrap - A bootstrap 4 and angular 2 package for dartlang.
- route.dart -Route is a client routing library for Dart that helps make building single-page web apps.
- dart-service-worker - Service Worker library for Dart.
- console - Console Library.
- tuneup - A command-line tool to manipulate and inspect your Dart projects.
- Crypto - A set of cryptographic functions implemented in pure Dart.
- mongo_dart - Mongo_dart: MongoDB driver for Dart programming language.
- Dartabase - Database (Rails like) migration and model tool for MYSQL and PGSQL in Dart without having to write SQL.
- sqljocky - MySQL Connector for Dart.
- PostgreSQL - Dart Postgresql database library.
- macOS - macOS Package for Dart.
- Archive - Dart library to encode and decode various archive and compression formats, such as Zip and Tar.
- MsgPack
- msgpack - MsgPack for Dart.
- msgpack - MsgPack for Dart.
- StageXL - A fast and universal 2D rendering engine for HTML5 and Dart.
- DartRocket - HTML5 game framework made with Dart and StageXL.
- Pixi Dart - A port of the pixi.js rendering engine.
- Ranger - Game engine written in Dart.
- github - GitHub Client Library for Dart.
- dart-gl - OpenGL ES 2.0 Dart Native Extension.
- dart-glfw - Dart bindings for GLFW, a multiplatform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts.
- bagl - BaGL is a low-level abstraction on top of WebGL. It aims to provide a simpler, safer and more declarative drawing alternative to plain WebGL.
- cairodart - Cairo bindings for Dart.
- ThreeDart - 3D graphical rendering tool for websites writing in Dart.
- dartgl - It is a native extension for Dart to use OpenGL in desktop applications.
- image - Dart library for decoding/encoding image formats, and image processing.
- dart2asm - Compiles a very limited subset of Dart into x86 Assembly.
- kernel - Dart IR (Intermediate Representation).
- DartORM - Database ORM for dart language for MySQL ,MongoDB,PostgreSQL.
- html - Dart port of html5lib. For parsing HTML/HTML5 with Dart. Works in the client and on the server.
- markdown - A Dart markdown library.
- PetitParser - Dynamic Grammars in Dart.
- XML - Lightweight library for parsing, traversing, and querying XML in Dart.
- yaml - A Dart YAML parser.
- args - A command-line argument parsing library for Dart.
- serialization - A serialization library for Dart.
- serializer - Serialize and Deserialize Dart Object with reflectable.
- angel - An easily-extensible web server framework in Dart.
- Redstone - Redstone is a server-side, metadata driven micro-framework for Dart.
- Start - Sinatra inspired web framework to serve static files, handle dynamic requests, websockets and create JSON responses.
- Express - A simple, thin expressjs inspired layer around Dart's primitive HttpServer APIs.
- Shelf - Web server middleware for Dart.
- Force - A real time web framework, embracing websockets, making communication even better.
- Vane - Framework with built-in server runtime environment and middleware system
- Stream - Lightweight web server with request routing, filtering, template engine, WebSocket, MVC design pattern, and file-based static resources
- stagehand - Dart project generator - web apps, console apps, servers, and more.
- dart-bridge - An extensible end-to-end framework for Dart.
- hop - A Dart framework for reusable tasks.
- mailer - Compose and send emails from Dart. Supports file attachments, HTML emails and multiple transport methods.
- mustache4dart - mustache implementation for Dart.
- collection - contains a number of separate libraries with utility functions and classes that makes working with collections easier.
- quiver-dart - A set of utility libraries for Dart.
- reflectable - Reflectable is a Dart library that allows programmers to eliminate certain usages of dynamic reflection by specialization of reflective code to an equivalent implementation using only static techniques.
- commons - Common reusable Dart classes and utilities.
- Constrain - Provides a constraint based Validation library inspired by Java Bean Validation but leveraging the superior language capabilities of Dart.
A Tour of the Dart Language-and-A Tour of the Dart Libraries
Hello Dart - A playful introduction to Dart.
Dart in Everywhere