
Fern Docs Quickstart with Fern Definition

Create beautiful documentation in under 5 minutes, using the Fern Definition format to define your API.

Here's an example.


Prefer to use OpenAPI? We've got you covered: Fern Docs Quickstart with OpenAPI Specification.


  • Node 18 or higher
  • A GitHub account


Step 1: Use this template

  1. Click on the Use this template button. You must be logged into GitHub.
  2. Choose the option to create a new repository. Name it fern-docs.

Step 2: Clone and open the repository in your preferred code editor

Clone your newly created repository locally and open it in your favorite code editor, such as Visual Studio Code.

The fern/ folder in your repository contains these files and folders:

├─ definition/
  ├─ api.yml
  ├─ pet.yml
  ├─ store.yml
  └─ user.yml
├─ docs/
  ├─ assets/
    ├─ favicon.png
    ├─ logo_dark_mode.png
    └─ logo_light_mode.png
  └─ pages/
    ├─ sdks.mdx
    └─ welcome.mdx
    ├─ docs.yml
├─ fern.config.json
└─ generators.yml

The definition/ folder contains Fern Definition files for a sample API called Swagger Petstore. Fern uses these files to generate the API Reference section of your docs site.

The files inside the pages/ folder are used to generate other documentation pages, such as a Welcome page. The docs.yml file sets up site navigation and custom styles.

Step 3: Customize organization name and url

In the repository that you cloned locally, open the fern.config.json file, which looks like this:

  "organization": "Petstore",
  "version": "0.x.x"

Replace "Petstore" with your own organization name within the quotes. Spaces are permitted. Leave the version number unchanged.

Open the docs.yml file and locate the url, which looks like this:

  - url: petstore-ferndef.docs.buildwithfern.com

Replace petstore-ferndef with your own organization's name. Use only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. Do not use spaces, and leave the rest of the URL (.docs.buildwithfern.com) unchanged.

Step 4: Install the Fern CLI tool

Install the Fern CLI tool globally by running:

npm install -g fern-api

When prompted, log into and connect your GitHub account.


The above CLI command is a global command that you can run from any location. The fern commands in the following steps must be run from within your repository.

Step 5: Generate your documentation

Run the following command:

fern generate --docs

Once the documentation is generated, Fern displays the URL where you can view the published documentation. For example:

│ ✓  petstore-ferndef.docs.buildwithfern.com

Instead of petstore-ferndef, you should see the organization name that you added to docs.yml in Step 3.

Step 6: Customize your documentation

You must run fern generate --docs after any modifications to re-generate and publish your documentation site.

To preview updates to your documentation before publishing changes, run fern generate --docs --preview.

To modify the API Reference:

To modify the other docs pages or add new pages:

To configure site navigation, styles, and see other configuration options:

To learn about Fern's built-in component library you can use in Markdown:

Step 7: Set up a custom domain

If you wish to use a custom subdomain like https://docs.YOUR_ORGANIZATION.com or a subpath like https://YOUR_ORGANIZATION.com/docs, you can subscribe to the Starter plan. Once subscribed, update docs.yml with the custom domain configuration, replacing YOUR_ORGANIZATION with your own.

- url: YOUR_ORGANIZATION.docs.buildwithfern.com
  custom-domain: docs.YOUR_ORGANIZATION.com

Good luck creating beautiful and functional documentation! 🌿


Need help? Email us at (support@buildwithfern.com)[mailto:support@buildwithfern.com] or join our Discord community.

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