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Code Walkthrough
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Project Tasks

  • Task L2.1 : In method Vehicle::drive(), start up a task using std::async which takes a reference to the method Intersection::addVehicleToQueue, the object _currDestination and a shared pointer to this using the get_shared_this() function. Then, wait for the data to be available before proceeding to slow down.
  • Task L2.2 : In method Intersection::addVehicleToQueue(), add the new vehicle to the waiting line by creating a promise, a corresponding future and then adding both to _waitingVehicles. Then wait until the vehicle has been granted entry.
  • Task L2.3 : In method WaitingVehicles::permitEntryToFirstInQueue(), get the entries from the front of _promises and _vehicles. Then, fulfill promise and send signal back that permission to enter has been granted. Finally, remove the front elements from both queues.

Build Instructions To run this code using a Udacity workspace, you will need to use the virtual desktop. In the desktop you can use Terminator or the terminal in Visual Studio Code.

Once in the virtual desktop, to compile and run the code, create a build directory and use cmake and make as follows:

root@a9ad274128c4:/home/workspace/L1_Project# mkdir build
root@a9ad274128c4:/home/workspace/L1_Project# cd build
root@a9ad274128c4:/home/workspace/L1_Project/build# cmake ..
root@a9ad274128c4:/home/workspace/L1_Project/build# make
root@a9ad274128c4:/home/workspace/L1_Project/build# ./traffic_simulation

Dependencies for Running Locally

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./traffic_simulation.