
Gift Exchange System

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Gift Exchange System


  • Able to randomly assign a target receipient to a user
  • Email should contain:
    • Who to gift
    • Link to see the recipients' wishlist
    • Link to fill in your own wishlist

Implementation Details

  • Setup Node.js Webpack environmment @myohansa
  • Create the email template. It should contain: @belissac
    • Greet the user (the sender)
    • Tell the user who they are giving to (the receiver)
    • Show a link to see the receiver's wish list
    • Show a link to fill in their own wish list
    • Additional details/notes on minimum gift value, rules etc
  • Module to take in an array of users and return reciever/recipient pairs (hereby known as result) @myohansa
    • Save result into DB as reciever/recipient pairs, with date of generation, event name/id (i.e. Christmas 2017)
  • Module to take in result and email template and send out emails @yitchun
    • Email to recipient should contain the target reciever (Who they are going to gift to)
    • A link to a permanent page (hashed id) which shows the recipient their reciever's wish list (hereby known as wishlist)
    • wishlist which has a form for the recipient to list their wish list (form with open end text fields?)
  • wishlist webpage @peylun
    • Recipient view (sender):
      • Read only view of wishlist
      • [BONUS] Comments area to post an anoynomous comment on the wishlist
    • Reciever view (receiver):
      • Form field with text fields (3 default fields? with the option to add more)
      • [BONUS] Comments area to read and reply to comments from sender
  • [BONUS] Administartion webpage
    • Dashboard view to checks if recievers have populated their wishlist (and item count? haha)

Database schema

  • User table (id, fullName, email)
  • Event table (id, eventName, userIds?)
  • Result table (id, sender, receiver, eventId, timestamp, emailSent?)
  • Wishlist table (id, userId, eventId, lastUpdate)
  • Wishlist Items (id, wishlistId, name, description, imageLink, urlLink)

Bonus features

  • Database to store/track reciever/recipient
  • Administration Dashboard to see wishlist status (Whether user has filled in their wishlist)
  • Anoynomous chat on the wishlist page for reciever/recipient to post comments
  • Weighted algorithm to reduce the chance of reducing repeat reciever/recipient pairs