
MONPA 罔拍是一個提供正體中文斷詞、詞性標註以及命名實體辨識的多任務模型

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

罔拍 MONPA: Multi-Objective NER POS Annotator

MONPA 罔拍是一個提供正體中文斷詞、詞性標註以及命名實體辨識的多任務模型。初期只有使用原始模型(v0.1)的網站版本(http://monpa.iis.sinica.edu.tw:9000/chunk),本計劃將把新版 monpa (v0.2) 包裝成可以 pip install 的 python package。(提醒:因網站版為 v0.1,與 python 套件版 v0.2 以上的斷詞結果可能不同。)

最新版的 monpa model 是使用 pytorch 1.0 框架訓練出來的模型,所以在使用本版本前,請先安裝 torch 1.* 以上版本才能正常使用 monpa 套件。


- 茲因部分訓練語料標註結果之授權範圍待釐清,故暫停 monpa 模型檔下載。
- pip install monpa 將只安裝 python 套件,執行後將不再自動下載模型檔。 
- MONPA 僅供學術使用。已下載使用,請勿再散播或使用於商業用途。


  1. 建議以原文輸入 monpa 完成斷詞後,再視需求濾掉停留字(stopword)及標點符號(punctuation)。
  2. 每次輸入予 monpa 做斷詞的原文超過 140 字元的部分將被截斷丟失,建議先完成合適長度分句後再應用 monpa 斷詞。可參考 wiki 如何將長文切成短句再用 monpa 斷詞?
  3. 支援 python >= 3.6,不支援 python 2.x。

安裝 monpa 套件

monpa 已經支援直接使用 pip 指令安裝,各作業系統的安裝步驟都相同。

pip install monpa

安裝時將自動檢查有無 torch >= 1.0 及 requests 等套件,若無則由 pip 直接安裝。

使用 monpa 的簡單範例

引入 monpa 的 python package。

注意:因應 pip 安裝的檔案大小限制,所以在第一次 import monpa 時將下載 model 檔,約 200 MB (實際大小:216681674 KB)。採分次下載,請務必等待下載完成。

import monpa

等看到#已完成 monpa model 下載,歡迎使用。Download completed.提示才表示下載完成。

如果下載不完整的 model 檔,請到 monpa package 的安裝資料夾刪除 model-511.pt 檔案,並再次執行 import monpa 來啟動下載程序。(相關討論與解法集中於 Issue 1)

cut function

若只需要中文斷詞結果,請用 cut function,回傳值是 list 格式。簡單範例如下:

sentence = "蔡英文總統今天受邀參加台北市政府所舉辦的陽明山馬拉松比賽。"
result = monpa.cut(sentence)

for t in result:






pseg function

若需要中文斷詞及其 POS 結果,請用 pseg function,回傳值是 list of list 格式,簡單範例如下:

sentence = "蔡英文總統今天受邀參加台北市政府所舉辦的陽明山馬拉松比賽。"
result = monpa.pseg(sentence)

for t in result:


['蔡英文', 'PER']
['總統', 'Na']
['今天', 'Nd']
['受', 'P']
['邀', 'VF']
['參加', 'VC']
['台北市政府', 'ORG']
['所', 'D']
['舉辦', 'VC']
['的', 'DE']
['陽明山', 'LOC']
['馬拉松', 'Na']
['比賽', 'Na']

載入自訂詞典 load_userdict function


假設製作一個 userdict.txt 檔,每行含三部分,必須用『空格 (space)』隔開,依次是:詞語、詞頻(請填數值,目前無作用)、詞性(未能確定,請填 NER),順序不可錯亂。


台北市政府 100 NER
受邀 100 V

當要使用自訂詞時,請於執行斷詞前先做 load_userdict,將自訂詞典載入到 monpa 模組。

請將本範例的 ./userdict.txt 改成實際放置自訂詞文字檔路徑及檔名。


延用前例,用 pseg function,可發現回傳值已依自訂詞典斷詞,譬如『受邀』為一個詞而非先前的兩字分列輸出,『台北市政府』也依自訂詞輸出。

sentence = "蔡英文總統今天受邀參加台北市政府所舉辦的陽明山馬拉松比賽。"
result = monpa.pseg(sentence)

for t in result:


['蔡英文', 'PER']
['總統', 'Na']
['今天', 'Nd']
['受邀', 'V']
['參加', 'VC']
['台北市政府', 'NER']
['所', 'D']
['舉辦', 'VC']
['的', 'DE']
['陽明山', 'LOC']
['馬拉松', 'Na']
['比賽', 'Na']


See our paper MONPA: Multi-objective Named-entity and Part-of-speech Annotator for Chinese using Recurrent Neural Network for more information about the model detail.


Part-of-speech (POS) tagging and named entity recognition (NER) are crucial steps in natural language processing. In addition, the difficulty of word segmentation places additional burden on those who intend to deal with languages such as Chinese, and pipelined systems often suffer from error propagation. This work proposes an end-to-end model using character-based recurrent neural network (RNN) to jointly accomplish segmentation, POS tagging and NER of a Chinese sentence. Experiments on previous word segmentation and NER datasets show that a single model with the proposed architecture is comparable to those trained specifically for each task, and outperforms freely-available softwares. Moreover, we provide a web-based interface for the public to easily access this resource.



Hsieh, Y. L., Chang, Y. C., Huang, Y. J., Yeh, S. H., Chen, C. H., & Hsu, W. L. (2017, November). MONPA: Multi-objective Named-entity and Part-of-speech Annotator for Chinese using Recurrent Neural Network. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers) (pp. 80-85).

    title = "{MONPA}: Multi-objective Named-entity and Part-of-speech Annotator for {C}hinese using Recurrent Neural Network",
    author = "Hsieh, Yu-Lun  and
      Chang, Yung-Chun  and
      Huang, Yi-Jie  and
      Yeh, Shu-Hao  and
      Chen, Chun-Hung  and
      Hsu, Wen-Lian",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)",
    month = nov,
    year = "2017",
    address = "Taipei, Taiwan",
    publisher = "Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/I17-2014",
    pages = "80--85",
    abstract = "Part-of-speech (POS) tagging and named entity recognition (NER) are crucial steps in natural language processing. In addition, the difficulty of word segmentation places additional burden on those who intend to deal with languages such as Chinese, and pipelined systems often suffer from error propagation. This work proposes an end-to-end model using character-based recurrent neural network (RNN) to jointly accomplish segmentation, POS tagging and NER of a Chinese sentence. Experiments on previous word segmentation and NER datasets show that a single model with the proposed architecture is comparable to those trained specifically for each task, and outperforms freely-available softwares. Moreover, we provide a web-based interface for the public to easily access this resource.",

Please feel free to contact monpa team by email. monpacut@gmail.com