This project is a Flutter SDK for TapPay, a popular payment gateway from Taiwan.
Warning: This is not an official SDK maintained by TapPay. Since TapPay does not provide an official SDK for Flutter, this project is created to wrap TapPay's official SDK.
- DirectPay (Get the payment card's prime)
- Apple Pay (Get the prime)
- Google Pay (Get the prime)
In your project's android folder, find AndroidManifest.xml and add the following attributes to the application tag
<manifest xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" --> Don't forget this line > ... <application android:label="flutter_tappay_sdk_example" android:name="${applicationName}" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" tools:replace="android:label" --> Add this line ...> ...
(Optional. Required if you need to use Google Pay.) In your project's android folder, change the MainActivity's parent class from FlutterActivity to FlutterFragmentActivity
import class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity() { // ... }
(Required if you need to use Apple Pay.) Open Xcode and open your project's Runner.xcworkspace file. In the Signing & Capabilities tab, add the Apple Pay capability. And don't forget to add the Apple Pay merchant ID in the capability.
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_tappay_sdk: ^0.3.0
import 'package:flutter_tappay_sdk/flutter_tappay_sdk.dart';
// ...
final tappay = FlutterTappaySdk();
appId: 'your app id',
appKey: 'your app key',
serverType: ServerType.sandbox, // or ServerType.production
// ...
final result = await tappay.getCardPrime(
cardNumber: '4242424242424242',
dueMonth: '01',
dueYear: '23',
cvv: '123',
if (result?.success) {
} else {
More examples can be found in the example folder.