
Utilities to setup Tailscale and/or DERP

Primary LanguageShell

Tailscale Utilities

Here you can find decriptions and instructions for each provided utility



Quickly set up and run Tailscale client and/or DERP server

Actual installation scirpt for Tailscale provided by Tailscale

How to run

Run following command(s) and follow the instructions

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mindbox-cloud/tailscale-utils/main/tailscale-setup.sh | sudo bash


curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mindbox-cloud/tailscale-utils/main/tailscale-setup.sh > tailscale-setup.sh
chmod +x tailscale-setup.sh
sudo ./tailscale-setup.sh

Additional configuration

You can use environment variables to automate installation process:

  • INSTALL_MODE - Components to install
    • 1 = Tailscale only
    • 2 = DERP only
    • 3 = Tailscale + DERP
  • USE_DEFAULT_VALS - Set to 1 to skip prompts for optional variables and use default values
  • TS_AUTH_TOKEN - Authentication token a.k.a. Preauth key
  • TS_HOSTNAME - Hostname to use in Tailscale network
  • TS_LOGIN_SERVER - Login server for Tailscale (e.g. https://controlplane.tailscale.com)
  • TS_ACCEPT_ROUTES - Set to 1 to accept routes from peers when connection to Tailscale (optional, default: 1)
  • TS_ACCEPT_DNS - Set to 1 to accept DNS from Tailscale (optional, default: 1)
  • TS_UP_ARGS - Additional arguments when connecting to Tailscale (optional, e.g. --advertise-tags=tag:derp)
  • TS_UP_SKIP - Set to 1 if you want to join Tailnet manually
  • TS_ADVERTISE_ROUTES - Comma-separated list of CIDRs to advertise as routes (optional, e.g.,
  • TS_PKG_MIRROR - ## Tailscale packages repository mirror (optional, e.g. https://pkgs.example.com/ts)
  • TS_TAGS - Comma-separated list of advertised tags (optional, e.g. vpn,mgmt)
  • DERP_DOMAIN - Hostname that DERP will run on and obtain its certificate
  • DERP_VERIFY_CLIENTS - Whether to verify clients connecting to node. Works only if Tailscale is installed (optional, default: 1)
  • DERP_HTTP_PORT - HTTP port for DERP to use (optional, default: 80)
  • DERP_HTTPS_PORT - HTTP port for DERP to use (optional, default: 443)
  • DERP_STUN_PORT - STUN port (optional, default: 3878)
  • DERP_ENV_FILE - Location of DERP service's variables (optional, default: /etc/default/derper)
  • DERP_ARGS - Additional arguments for DERP (optional, e.g. --stun=false)

Usage example:

TS_AUTH_TOKEN=abcdef1234 \
TS_HOSTNAME=derp-node-a1 \
TS_LOGIN_SERVER=https://ts.example.com \
DERP_DOMAIN=derp-a1.example.com \
sudo -E ./tailscale-setup.sh

This will install Tailscale and DERP



Windows counterpart for tailscale-setup.sh.

Please note that this script doen't support interactive mode and DERP setup!

How to run

Command below will download and launch script

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mindbox-cloud/tailscale-utils/main/tailscale-setup.ps1" -OutFile "tailscale-setup.ps1";
.\tailscale-setup.ps1 `
-TsLoginServer "https://ts.example.com" `
-TsAuthKey "abcdef1234" `
-TsAcceptDns 0 `
-TsAcceptRoutes 0

Additional configuration

You can use arguments to configure how script will work.

You may use Get-Help to get help on how to use arguments (e.g. Get-Help .\tailscale-setup.ps1 -Detailed)