This is my personal (big) recopilation about cryptanalysis, crypto tools and challenges
- AbdullahSaleh-cmd
- BaofengWuChinese Academy of Sciences
- binarynonsense
- cokesmeStates
- cowbe0x004
- csy1234
- deibit
- dhap0
- durja25
- emilva@schibsted @finn-no
- Gelouguol
- ggrandesSpain
- githubfoam
- hkscy@alan-turing-institute
- int0TheW1ld
- jeffrade@devixlabs @keypost-org
- jimmy-sonny
- kasperkh
- lautaco
- life0verflow@Inovasys
- lopopreto
- M0n1c4GitHub
- macmento
- MatanDery
- moodix0sa
- nRachidRennes, France
- ntsanov
- ogcat
- qemmChiquitistan del Este
- raimundojimenezA+ Sistemas en Red y de Comunicaciones
- ridenting
- sayoojsamuelIndia
- six2dezSpain
- varthdader
- vishnummvBangalore
- zademn