- 4
- 5
[FEATURE] async support
#209 opened by DeoLeung - 14
[BUG] Edge case for the unpack_to argument
#123 opened by matthiasmindee - 1
[BUG] future type annotations doesn't work
#213 opened by bashirmindee - 0
- 0
[FEATURE] Refactor Tests
#187 opened by bashirmindee - 0
[FEATURE] Internal Refactor Node
#186 opened by bashirmindee - 1
[BUG] in typing
#113 opened by bashirmindee - 0
[FEATURE] clean the tests
#40 opened by bashirmindee - 0
- 0
[FEATURE] Use dynamic version in pyproject.toml
#185 opened by bashirmindee - 0
- 0
[FEATURE] Implement HEFT Scheduling
#96 opened by matthiasmindee - 0
add Ellipsis (...) to compose
#159 opened by bashirmindee - 1
Clearer Error when KeyError
#157 opened by bashirmindee - 0
SetItem doesn't work when indexing
#156 opened by bashirmindee - 2
[FEATURE] raise an error when to_dag decorates a function that invokes non ExecNode code
#53 opened by bashirmindee - 0
- 6
[FEATURE] Add support for ordered node execution without explicit dependency
#41 opened by matthiasmindee - 0
- 0
- 1
[FEATURE] Make documentation for the usage of tawazi that is clear and concise
#106 opened by bashirmindee - 0
[FEATURE] replace get_nodes_by_tag and get_nodes_by_tag by a query method which groups everything. We already have somewhat of an implementation for this using `get_nodes_by_alias`
#110 opened by bashirmindee - 1
- 1
[BUG] TypeError not forwarded to the IDE via the to_dag decorator, prevents useful autocompletion before execution
#47 opened by matthiasmindee - 1
[FEATURE] choose which node to run if multiple with the same function are used
#42 opened by bashirmindee - 1
- 2
[FEATURE] typing should be supported in @xn
#43 opened by bashirmindee - 0
- 0
[FEATURE] make group resources with maximum concurrency per group resource
#92 opened by bashirmindee - 0
- 1
[FEATURE] use darglint
#76 opened by bashirmindee - 0
[FEATURE] Stateful object to hold DAG execution results (profile, exec_nodes etc.)
#68 opened by bashirmindee - 0
[FEATURE] unclear error message
#77 opened by bashirmindee - 0
- 0
- 1
- 3
[FEATURE] Add the possibility to tag a Node to implement custom behaviours when using the lib
#48 opened by matthiasmindee - 4
- 1
- 3
- 1
[FEATURE] Rewrite the Error management
#37 opened by matthiasmindee - 0
- 0
[FEATURE] Multiple return value of op
#54 opened by bashirmindee - 0
[BUG] DAG behavior when reading cached should be dynamic according to the passed arguments
#81 opened by bashirmindee - 1
[BUG] Subgraph use issue
#52 opened by matthiasmindee - 0
- 1
Better DAG creation Interface
#8 opened by bashirmindee - 1