
A JavaScript dependency loader and initializer.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


What is it?

Initr is a query based javascript loader. Initr modules are loaded onto the page website based on the existence of the selectors.

How do I use it?

You need require.js to use Initr.


You can get it from http://github.com/mindgruve/initr. Put initr.js anywhere in your JavaScript source (for example, /vendor/initr.js), and include it with require('vendor/initr') or something similar


Create a requirejs module that returns an initr config object. Initr configs look like this:

    //Initr loops through this array. If the selector has matches on the current page, then src is loaded by Initr
    modules: [
        // MODULE: Form UI
            name: 'form-ui',
            selector: 'form',
            src: ['initr/form-ui']

An initr module has to be built a certain way. See below for an example.

define(['vendor/initr/module', 'jquery'], function (Module, $) {
	function FormUi(config, $els, initr) {
        Module.apply(this, [config, $els, initr]);
	FormUi.prototype = new Module();
    FormUi.prototype.constructor = FormUi;
	FormUi.prototype.init = function () {
		//Initialize your custom logic
	return FormUi;

Once you have an initr module and a config you can create an initr instance and use them.

require(['vendor/initr', 'initr/config'], function (Initr, config) {
	var initr = new Initr();


Some day we will have better documentation. For now. Nope.