
Simple plugin for loading full screen streaming video or audio.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

#Status of Plugin: Unmaintained I developed this plugin while working on a project that needed streaming media. A year ago, I left that job and have not had a need (or the time) to revisit this plugin, which is why there have been no updates. I would love to see someone fork this repo and build it up into something that the community can continue to use, but I just do not have the ability to do that myself now.

Cordova Streaming Media plugin

for iOS and Android, by Nicholas Hutchind

  1. Description
  2. Usage

1. Description

This plugin allows you to stream audio and video in a fullscreen, native player on iOS and Android.

  • Works with PhoneGap >= 3.0.

iOS specifics

  • Uses the MPMoviePlayerController.
  • Tested on iOS 7. (If someone has an iOS 6 device, please report back to me how it does.)

Android specifics

  • Uses VideoView and MediaPlayer.
  • Creates two activities in your AndroidManifest.xml file.
  • Tested on Android 4.0+. (If someone has a Gingerbread device, please report back to me how it does.)

2. Usage

  var videoUrl = STREAMING_VIDEO_URL;

  // Just play a video
  // Play a video with callbacks
  var options = {
    successCallback: function() {
      console.log("Video was closed without error.");
    errorCallback: function(errMsg) {
      console.log("Error! " + errMsg);
  window.plugins.streamingMedia.playVideo(videoUrl, options);

  var audioUrl = STREAMING_AUDIO_URL;
  // Play an audio file (not recommended, since the screen will be plain black)

  // Play an audio file with options (all options optional)
  var options = {
    bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
    bgImageScale: "fit",
    initFullscreen: false, // true(default)/false iOS only
    successCallback: function() {
      console.log("Player closed without error.");
    errorCallback: function(errMsg) {
      console.log("Error! " + errMsg);
  window.plugins.streamingMedia.playAudio(audioUrl, options);

  // Stop current audio