
Tool for running a GAE MVM emulation environment.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



appstart is a local tool that allows Managed VM applications to be deployed into a local Docker cluster in which App Engine services such as Task Queues and Datastatore are emulated. It can be useful for advanced users who wish to perform additional local testing before deploying applications to App Engine.

Important: This project is experimental and is not officially supported by the Google Cloud Platform.

Installation (Linux)

From its root directory, appstart can be installed like so:

$ python setup.py sdist
$ sudo pip install dist/appstart-0.8.tar.gz


Appstart requires a running Docker server. The server can be running in a docker-machine instance, as long as the docker environment variables are set correctly. The latest version of Appstart is known to work for Docker server versions 1.8.0 to 1.8.3 and will accept any version less than 1.9. For information about installing docker and docker-machine, see:


Before using appstart for the first time, run:

$ appstart init

This generates a 'devappserver base image', which Appstart will later use to run the API server.

For a list of permissible command line options, you can run:

$ appstart --help

Default invocation

Appstart can be used to start the application from the command line. It is invoked as follows:

$ appstart run PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE

PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE must be a path to the application's configuration file, which is either appengine-web.xml or a .yaml file. For Java standard runtime applications, the appengine-web.xml file must be inside WEB-INF, along with a web.xml file. For all other applications, the .yaml file must be in the root directory of the application. By default, Appstart will attempt to locate the Dockerfile in the application's root directory and use it to build the application's image.

As stated earlier, Appstart will also run an api server to provide stubs for Google Cloud Platform.

Specifying an image

The --image_name flag can be used to specify an existing image rather than having Appstart build one from the Dockerfile. When --image_name is specified, a Dockerfile is not needed:

$ appstart PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE --image_name=IMAGE_NAME

Appstart can also start an image without a configuration file like so:

$ appstart --image_name=IMAGE_NAME

In this case, appstart uses a "phony" app.yaml file as the application's configuration file.

Turning off the api server

By default, Appstart runs an api server so that the application can make calls to Google Cloud Platform services (datastore, taskqueue, logging, etc). If you don't consume these services, you can run appstart like this:

$ appstart PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE --no_api_server

Be aware that the api server also functions as a proxy and static file server, so if you turn it off you'll need to serve any static files from your application.


To see all command line options, run:

$ appstart run --help

Under the hood

Appstart runs the aforementioned api server in the devappserver container. The appstart init command builds the 'devappserver base image', which contains all the source files necessary for the api server to run.

Appstart will also build a layer on top of the devappserver image, populating the devappserver image with the application's configuration files. As was mentioned earlier, if Appstart is not provided with a configuration file, it adds a "phony" app.yaml file to the devappserver base image.

After building images for devappserver and the application, appstart will start containers based on these images, using the correct environment variables. The environment variables allow the application container to locate the devappserver container, and allow the devappserver container to locate the application container. The containers currently run on the same network stack for simplicity, but that's subject to change in the future.

All of the functionality described above is implemented by the ContainerSandbox class. This class constructs a sandbox consisting of an application container and a devappserver container, and it connects the two together. Upon exiting, it will stop these containers and remove them. It's quite resilient, so it won't litter the docker environment with old containers.

The Validator

The validator is a framework built to validate whether or not a container conforms to the runtime contract. The runtime contract consists of a set of requirements imposed on it by the Google Cloud Platform. For instance, a container must respond to health checks on the _ah/health endpoint.

The validator can test an application container to see if it meets the requirements of the runtime contract.

Default Invocation

The validator can be invoked like this:

$ appstart validate <PATH_TO_CONFIG>

The validator gets the container running in the same way as appstart run does. It then runs through a series of 'clauses', each of which test if the container is meeting a specific expectation. For example, a particular clause might send an HTTP request to the _ah/health endpoint to see if the application container properly responds to health checks. Another clause might check if the application is writing logs correctly.

Lifecycle points

The validator evaluates clauses at very specific points of the container's lifecycle. The time period in which a clause is evaluated is called its 'lifecycle point'. Lifecycle points include the following:

  • PRE_START: the time before a start request is sent to the container
  • START: the time during which a start request is sent to the container. Note that only one clause can be defined for this lifecycle point.
  • POST_START: the time after the container has received the start request.
  • STOP: the time during which a stop request is sent to the container. Note that only one clause can be defined for this lifecycle point.
  • POST_STOP: the time after the container has received the stop request.

Error levels

Each clause is marked with a specific error level. The error level denotes the severity of the error that would occur, should the clause fail to pass. Error levels include the following:

  • FATAL: If the container fails a clause marked as FATAL, the container will absolutely not work. FATAL errors include not listening on port 8080, not responding properly to health checks, etc.

  • WARNING: If the container fails a clause marked as WARNING, it will possibly exhibit unexpected behavior. WARNING errors include not writing logs in the correct format.

  • UNUSED: If the container does not pass a clause marked as UNUSED, no real error has occurred. It just means that the container isn't taking full advantage of the runtime contract. UNUSED level errors include not writing access or diagnostic logs. Other errors (namely WARNING errors) might be dependent on UNUSED-level clauses. For instance, logging format is contingent on the existence of logs in the proper location.

By default, validation will fail if any clauses with error level WARNING or higher fail. This behavior can be changed by specifying a threshold. See appstart validate --help for more info.


The validator accepts all of the same options as appstart run does. In addition, the validator provides several options specific to its own functionality. To see all available options, run:

$ appstart validate --help

Custom Hook Clauses

The validator provides functionality to write "hook clauses". These are user-supplied clauses generated at runtime.

Adding a hook clause

To find hook clauses, the validator looks in the application's root for a directory by the name of validator_hooks. If such a directory is present, the validator recursively walks it, looking for any configuration files that end with .conf.yaml. For every such file found, the validator generates a hook clause, which will be evaluated along with all of the validator's default clauses. Note that for the validator to discover hook clauses, it must be run on the application's configuration file. In other words, hook clauses will not be discovered if the following command is run:

$ appstart validate --image_name=<IMAGE_TO_RUN>

Writing a hook clause

Specifying the behavior of a hook clause is very simple. As an example, let's walk through how this is done. Suppose we have an application with a very sophisticated /foo url endpoint. When we hit the /foo endpoint, we expect it to return a response whose body consists of the word, 'bar'.

To write a hook clause to test this behavior, create the file validator_hooks/test.py.conf.yaml with the following content:

name: TestClause
title: Foo endpoint test
description: Test that /foo endpoint of the application returns 'bar'
lifecycle_point: POST_START

Upon encountering our test.py.conf.yaml file, the validator will search for a script called test.py in the same directory. If it finds one, the validator will execute it at runtime, providing it with the following environment variables:

  • APP_CONTAINER_ID: The application's Docker container ID. This can be used to perform docker commands on the application.
  • APP_CONTAINER_HOST: The host where the application container is running.
  • APP_CONTAINER_PORT: The port where the application container is running.

These environment variables can be used to test the container by sending it requests or even examining its internal state with docker. Since we're testing the /foo endpoint, our validator_hooks/test.py might look like this:

import os
import requests

host = os.environ.get('APP_CONTAINER_HOST')
port = os.environ.get('APP_CONTAINER_PORT')

response = requests.get('http://{0}:{1}/foo'.format(host, port))
assert response.text == 'bar'

Make sure that test.py is an executable. To do this, you can run:

$ chmod u+x test.py

The hook clause will only be considered a failure if the executable returns a nonzero exit code. In the case of failure, the stdout and stderr of the executable will be reported in the test results.

Configuring Hook Clauses

In our .conf.yaml file, we specified only a few key-value pairs. Those were the minimum parameters a hook clause needs. Of course, we can make our hook clause more configurable than that. Here's a list of configurable keys that can be put into a hook clause's .conf.yaml file:

  • name: The name of the clause, used to identify the clause by other clauses.
  • title: The title of the clause, displayed in test results
  • description: A brief description of the thing the clause is validating. This description is also displayed in test results.
  • lifecycle_point: The point of the container's lifecycle in which the hook clause should be executed.
  • error_level: The severity of the error that would occur, should the clause fail. Defaults to UNUSED.
  • tags: A list of string tags to mark the hook clause with. The validator can be invoked with the `--tags' option, which specifies a subset of clauses to be evaluated.
  • command: A string representing the command used to "evaluate" the hook clause. By default, the validator will search for an executable of the same name, less the .conf.yaml suffix. The hook clause is considered a success if it returns with an exit code of 0.
  • dependencies: A list of clauses that must have passed before the hook clause is evaluated. If any of the hook clauses dependencies have failed, the hook clause will be skipped.
  • dependents: A list of clauses whose evaluation should be contingent on the success of the hook clause. If the hook clause fails, none of its dependents will run.
  • before: A list of clauses that should be evaluated BEFORE the hook clause. Similar to dependencies, but the hook clause will run even if any of its "before" clauses have failed.
  • after: A list of clauses that should be evaluated AFTER the hook clause.

To specify a list of clauses for the last four keys, simply supply their names as they appear in the "name" key. For example, here's our old .conf.yaml file with a little more configuration:

name: TestClause
title: Foo endpoint test
description: Test that /foo endpoint of the application returns 'bar'
lifecycle_point: POST_START
error_level: WARNING
    - test
    - foo
    - baz
    - StartClause
    - HealthChecksEnabledClause
    - HealthCheckClause
command: /path/to/some/executable

Clause Names

As stated above, dependencies among clauses are expressed by name. To see the list of all clause names currently available to the validator, including hook clauses, run:

$ appstart validate <PATH_TO_CONFIG> --list