
EGMS toolkit is a set of python scripts to download and manage the InSAR data from European Ground Motion Service.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

EGMS toolkit

EGMS toolkit is a set of python scripts to download and manage the InSAR data from European Ground Motion Service. The toolkit allows:

  1. to download the data automatically;
  2. to merge the files;
  3. to clip/crop the results.


Release info: Version 1.0.0 Beta, November, 2023

1. Dependencies & Installation

The requirements are:

  • Python3
  • GDAL
  • GMT (with GSHHG)

The required Python packages can be installed by using pip3 or conda: e.g.,

pip3 install optparse sys warnings numpy math glob pandas subprocess fiona shapely pyproj shutil datetime wget zipfile urllib3 os osgeo osgeo alive_progress pickle plotly time

Finally, some system variables must be added. For Linux and MacOS, please add the following lines in your .bashrc file:

## For EGMS toolkit
export EGMSTOOLKITPATH= [path of the toolkit]

Tips: The variable PATHS1BURSTIDMAP can be defined by the user.

2 Running the toolbox

There are two ways to use the toolkit.

The user needs to use the temporary token from the EGMS website. It can be found at the end of download links (see image below).

EGMS Token

Tips: Any download links can be used, the user can use a random download link.

2.1 In the terminal

Please find an example of the script use.

EGMStoolkit.py -l L2a,L2b -r 2018_2022 -t XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -b -6.427059639290446,53.2606655698541,-6.0952332730202095,53.41811986118854 -o ./Output_directory --track 1 --pass Ascending --nomerging -noclipping --quiet --clean

Tips: The -h option is useful to get a help, i.e., EGMStoolkit.py -h

Tips: The --example option is useful to get an example for Python scripts, i.e., EGMStoolkit.py --example

Usage: EGMStoolkit.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LEVEL, --level=LEVEL
                        Selected levels of EGMS data: [L2a,L2b,L3UD,L3EW].
                        Default: [L2a,L2b]. The comma can be used for multiple
  -r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE
                        Selected releases of EGMS data: [2015_2021,2018_2022].
                        Default: [2018_2022]. The comma can be used for
                        multiple selections.
  -t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN
                        User token given by EGMS website.
  -b BBOX, --bbox=BBOX  BBOX [WSEN] or country indices or shapefile in
  -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir=OUTPUTDIR
                        Output directory. Default: ./Output
  --track=TRACK         Track numbers. The comma can be used for multiple
                        selections. Track and Pass must have the same length.
                        Default: None
  --pass=PASSS1         Passes. The comma can be used for multiple selections.
                        Track and Pass must have the same length. Default: None
  --nodownload          Block downloading of files. Default: False
  --nounzip             Block unziping of files. Default: False
  --nozip               We will remove .zip files. Default: False
  --nomerging           Block merging of EGMS results. Default: False
  --noclipping          Block clipping/croppring of EGMS results.
                        Default: False
  --clean               Clean the raw-data files. Default: False
  -q, --quiet           Verbose. Default: True
  --example             Print an example. Default: False

2.1 In the Python environment

# Example of EGMS toolkit in Python environment
# (0) Import the Python packages
from classes import EGMSS1burstIDapi
from classes import EGMSS1ROIapi 
from classes import EGMSdownloaderapi
from functions import egmsdatatools
# (1) Manage the S1 burst ID map 
# Create the python variable 
info = EGMSS1burstIDapi.S1burstIDmap()
# Print the variable
# info.print()
# Active/Deactive the verbose
info.verbose = False # or False
# Download the latest ID map
# (2) Check the tile/bursts available according the user imputs
# Create the python variable 
ROIpara = EGMSS1ROIapi.S1ROIparameter()
# Print the variable
# Active/Deactive the verbose
ROIpara.verbose = False # or False
# Define the user parameter
ROIpara.egmslevel = 'L2b' # Level of EGMS data
ROIpara.bbox = [-6.427059639290446,53.2606655698541,-6.0952332730202095,53.41811986118854] # Bbox for searching. The European country names can be used (i.e., IE, FR) or a shapefile in EPSG:4326.
ROIpara.release = '2018_2022' # Release of EGMS data
# Create the ROI file
# Detect the burst ID
    # Track: track number or list of number
    # Pass: [Ascending or Descending] or list of string
# Save the burst ID list
ROIpara.saveIDlistL2() # Or ROIpara.saveIDlistL2(input=saveseach.pkl)
# Load the burst ID list
ROIpara.loadIDlistL2() # Or ROIpara.loadIDlistL2(input=saveseach.pkl)
# Display a map in the internet browser
ROIpara.displaymap() # Or ROIpara.displaymap(output='fig_search.jog')
# (3) Download the EGMS data
# Create the python variable 
downloadpara = EGMSdownloaderapi.egmsdownloader()
# Print the variable
# downloadpara.print()
# Active/Deactive the verbose
downloadpara.verbose = True # or False

# Create the list of files
# Print the list of files
# Possibility to concatenante other research
ROIpara.egmslevel = 'L3'
ROIpara.egmsL3component = 'UD'
ROIpara.release = '2015_2021'
# ROIpara.print()
# ROIpara.displaymap()
# Print the final list of files
# Change the user token 
downloadpara.token = 'xxxx'
# Download (and unzip) the files
downloadpara.download() # or downloadpara.download(outputdir='./Output',unzip=True,clean=True) 
    # outputdir: output directory [./Output]
    # unzip: unzipping of the downloaded files [True or False]
    # clean: remove the .zip files [True or False]
# Unzip the files
downloadpara.unzipfile() # or downloadpara.unzipfile(outputdir='./Output',unzip=True,clean=True) 
    # outputdir: output directory [./Output]
    # unzip: unzipping of the downloaded files [True or False]
    # clean: remove the .zip files [True or False]
# Clean the used files, remove the files that are not in the lists
# downloadpara.clean() # or downloadpara.clean(outputdir='./Output) 
# (4) Post-process of the files (all these steps are optional)
# Merge the .csv files 
egmsdatatools.datamergingcsv(infoEGMSdownloader=downloadpara,inputdir='./Output',outputdir='./Output',mode='onlist',verbose=True,paratosave='all') # or egmsdatatools.datamergingcsv()
    # infoEGMSdownloader: output of EGMSdownloaderapi, required with the 'onlist' mode
    # outputdir: output directory [./Output]
    # inputdir: inputdir directory [./Output]
    # mode: merge the files regarding the files available (onfiles) or on the list [onlist or onfiles]
    # verbose [True or False]
    # paratosave: extraction of parameter regarding the EGMS names ['all' or string value]. ['latitude', 'longitude', 'easting', 'northing', 'height', 'height_wgs84'] will always be saved.
# Merge the .tiff files (only for the L3 levels)
egmsdatatools.datamergingtiff(infoEGMSdownloader=downloadpara,inputdir='./Output',outputdir='./Output',mode='onlist',verbose=True) # or egmsdatatools.datamergingtiff()
    # infoEGMSdownloader: output of EGMSdownloaderapi, required with the 'onlist' mode
    # outputdir: output directory [./Output]
    # inputdir: inputdir directory [./Output]
    # mode: merge the files regarding the files available (onfiles) or on the list [onlist or onfiles]
    # verbose [True or False]
# Clip/crop the data
    # outputdir: output directory [./Output]
    # inputdir: inputdir directory [./Output]
    # file: list of files for clipping or cropping, they must not to have the '_cropped' or '_clipped' in their names, not in the paths [all] 
    # shapefile: EPGS:4326 shapefile with the ROI [bbox or name files]
    # verbose [True or False] 

# Delete the raw-data directorie
    # inputdir: inputdir directory [./Output]
    # verbose [True or False]))

# (5) Post-process of the file for ADVANCED USERS

# Interpolation of point data into a .tif raster file (can be done before the cropping/clipping step)
# Creation of the dict. for the gridding parameters
paragrid = dict()
paragrid['Xmin'] = 2896000 # Minimal X coordinate in EPGS:3035
paragrid['Ymin'] = 3317250 # Minimal Y coordinate in EPGS:3035
paragrid['Xmax'] = 3359000 # Maximal X coordinate in EPGS:3035
paragrid['Ymax'] = 3745500 # Maximal Y coordinate in EPGS:3035
paragrid['xres'] = 500 # X spatial resolution in EPGS:3035
paragrid['yres'] = 500 # Y spatial resolution in EPGS:3035
paragrid['algo'] = 'average:radius1=500:radius2=500:angle=0.0:nodata=-9999' # Alfgorithm used and options
paragrid['variable'] = 'mean_velocity,mean_velocity_std,acceleration,acceleration_std,seasonality,seasonality_std'
# paragrid['algo'] = 'invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=0.0:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:max_points=0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0'
# paragrid['algo'] = 'invdistnn:power=2.0:radius=1.0:max_points=12:min_points=0:nodata=0'
# paragrid['algo'] = 'average:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0'
# paragrid['algo'] = 'nearest:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:nodata=0.0'
# paragrid['algo'] = 'linear:radius=-1.0:nodata=0.0'


3 Developer & Contact

Alexis Hrysiewicz,

Postdoctoral Researcher, iCRAG / UCD School of Earth Sciences, University College Dublin

Email: alexis.hrysiewicz@ucd.ie