
unified zshrc/bashrc/kshrc/shrc scripts plus other generally useful dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This project seeks to provide a somewhat unified environment, regardless of whether I'm running on bash, zsh, ksh, or even dash/sh on Linux, Solaris, or OSX. zsh is where most of my work is done and is most feature rich.


There was a recent rename of files, which would break old symlinks created by ln_dotfiles. This will need to be rerun to fix the links.

*sh env files

The various .*shrc, .*profile, and .*logout files are sh specific and primarily responsible for setting up the prompt for each shell. Each of these will also source .shrc.common and .shrc.local (if present, not in this repo). The .shrc.common and .shrc.local files should be written POSIX shell so that they are portable to to the other *sh implementations.

misc other files

.vim and .vimrc - Live and die by vi

.config/nvim - Neovim config that uses LazyVim as a base

.screenrc - tweaked for zsh, but other settings may be interesting to people

.Xdefaults - seems to be mostly ignored these days, but common enough that I included it

.xinitrc - most display managers will ignore this, but if you ever run startx from a vt, this might be useful