
Statistical Analyses and Code for DataFest 2020

Source Data and R code used in statistical analysis. Data taken from https://www.nea.gov.sg/.

R code is the .rmd (R MarkDown) file

Data Sources (.txt files):

chisq1 - results for Chi-Squared Test comparing number of cases in 2013 and 2020 March
ch1sq2 - results for Chi-Squared Test comparing number of cases in 2019 and 2020 March
chisq3 - results for Chi-Squared Test comparing number of cases in 2015 and 2020 March

rainfalldata - results of regression test between rainfall and number of cases from 2012 - 2020 March
rainfalldata2 - results of regression test between rainfall and number of cases from 2016 W50 - 2018 W40

raintempdata - multiple regression between number of cases and a combination of rain and temp
tempdata2 - results of regression test between temperature and number of cases over time
tempdata3 - results of regression test between temperature and number of cases over time