
Mappings for Minecraft 1.9 made using Enigma by Cuchaz

1.9 Mappings

Mappings for Minecraft 1.9 (current snapshot 15w31c).

Talk in #19deobf on irc.esper.net (WebChat)

Made using Enigma by Cuchaz.


Feel free to submit pull requests!

Getting Started

I prefer MultiMC as it is extremely simple to use, so that's what I'll be using for these instructions.

(This assumes that you have installed MultiMC and Enigma, cloned the repo, and are familiar with using Enigma)

  1. In MultiMC, create a new instance using the most recent snapshot version of Minecraft 1.9.
  2. Open the Enigma tool by Cuchaz.
  3. Under the File menu press Open Jar....
  4. Select the jar for the latest snapshot which can be found in /path/to/multimc/versions/15w31c/15w31c.jar.
  5. After the Enigma has loaded the jar, press Open Mappings... in the File menu.
  6. Select the 1.9.mappings file from the repository.
  7. Deobfuscate!